The natural progression from hospital-owned devices to BYOD programs is due to the rising adoption of mobile technology. Allowing healthcare staff to bring their own devices to work and...
Remember the movie "The Devil Wears Prada," where employees were constantly on their personal phones and laptops, blending their work and personal lives? This...
The exponential rise in the number of mobile devices, and IoT devices making inroads in the enterprise ecosystem, empowers organizations to formally adopt and...
The influx of Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled services (ITeS) has been on a constant rise at workplaces. Organizations today are increasingly reliant on...
Organizations from the varied industrial sector are embracing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or at least contemplating to implement. They are aware of all...
IBM introduced the first Point of Sale (POS) system for restaurant use in 1973. Credit card processing and touch interface followed. Microsoft cashed in...