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    Understanding the Role of MDM in Education 4.0

    In ancient Greece, formal education was primarily reserved for males and excluded enslaved people. Early Mesopotamia restricted access to schooling to royal descendants, the wealthy, and professionals. In China,...

    How Mobile Device Management Supports Remote Learning

    Learning from home ain’t just a Netflix binge with some homework thrown in. Effective remote learning involves digital platforms and tools used for different...

    Best Smartboard Providers: IFPDs for Education

    If you ever get to speak to someone who spent his childhood and teenage years in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and even early 2000s,...

    Managing Interactive Flat Panel Display (IFPD) for Education

    Digital devices have transformed the way diverse organizations within the education and business space operate. The change in the way education has been delivered...

    Understanding the Role of MDM in Education 4.0

    In ancient Greece, formal education was primarily reserved for males and excluded enslaved people. Early Mesopotamia restricted access to schooling to royal descendants, the...

    Teaching Digital Citizenship: How MDM Can Help

    It is the digital world and the age of all things mobile and online. Students are growing up in a world saturated with technology....

    How to Manage Student Mobile Devices in the Classroom

    The lessons we learn during our formative years have a lasting impact, shaping not only our own lives but also those of future generations....

    Latest news

    Key MDM Features for iOS Application Management

    Effective management of iOS applications is paramount for organizations striving to enhance productivity, security, and compliance. The use of...

    Understanding Remote IT Support: Types, Challenges and Benefits

    As businesses adopt remote and hybrid work models alongside traditional on-site operations, the question of “How to manage remote...

    What is an MDM Policy? Best Practices for Effective Implementation

    A modern organization is like an intricate machinery, where every device must function seamlessly for optimal performance. Much like...