
    Managing Modern POS Systems: Analysis from an MDM Perspective

    IBM introduced the first Point of Sale (POS) system for restaurant use in 1973. Credit card processing and touch interface followed. Microsoft cashed in on the developments in 1990 to release its commercial POS client for restaurants. 

    Enter 2023, and the POS ecosystem isn’t limited to just restaurants.  

    POS systems have evolved significantly in recent years, enabling businesses to streamline operations and enhance the customer experience. Today, many businesses rely on modern POS systems to manage sales, inventory, and customer data efficiently. Whether retail, hospitality, logistics or even healthcare, POS terminals are a common sighting. 

    MDM for Modern POS Systems
    MDM Perspective on Modern POS Systems

    From an IT administrator’s perspective, managing POS systems is a critical task because they handle business transactions and data all the time. Mobile device management (MDM) plays a crucial role in ensuring the security, functionality, and overall performance of these systems. In this blog, we will touch upon the intricacies of modern POS systems and explore how MDM can be leveraged to optimize their performance and security.

    What is Modern POS Systems?

    Modern POS or mPOS systems encompass both software and hardware components. They are designed to process transactions, track inventory, manage employee access, and gather customer data. These systems often include touchscreen terminals, barcode scanners, receipt printers, and various software applications that provide a comprehensive solution for businesses. 

    The software side of POS systems usually consists of an operating system, a POS application, and additional integrations like customer relationship management (CRM) software or inventory management tools. These components must be kept up to date, secured, and monitored to ensure a seamless operation.

    Challenges in Managing Modern POS Systems

    IT administrators responsible for managing modern POS systems face several challenges:

    Security: POS systems handle sensitive customer information and financial data. Any breach or unauthorized access can result in substantial financial losses and reputational damage.

    Software Updates: Keeping the POS software, operating system, and integrations up to date is critical. Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and system malfunctions.

    Remote Management: Many businesses operate multiple POS terminals across different locations. Managing and maintaining these devices remotely can be a daunting task.

    User Management: Handling user access and permissions for POS systems, especially in a multi-user environment, can be complex.

    Device Tracking: With multiple POS systems to manage, IT admins can find it challenging to stay on top of their locations, especially in cases of loss or theft

    Mobile Device Management (MDM) for Modern POS Systems

    MDM solutions provide extensive features for managing and securing modern POS systems effectively. MDM software can address the challenges mentioned above and offer plenty more to businesses with some telling features. 

    Device Enrollment and Provisioning 

    MDM begins with device enrollment, where each POS terminal is registered with the MDM platform. POS device provisioning can be carried out in bulk for multiple business locations. In addition, POS systems can be up and running in no time with low-effort enrollment options like zero-touch. Administrators can apply initial configurations, policies, and security settings during this process. This ensures every device is standardized and secure from the moment it’s connected to the network. 

    Policy Enforcement

    MDM solutions allow IT administrators to define and enforce policies across all POS devices. These policies may include security settings like encryption, password complexity requirements, and restrictions on app installations. Policy enforcement ensures consistent security measures across the network. Admins can also implement additional policies like blocking notification centers and disabling connection to any Wi-Fi outside business premises, among others. 

    Remote Management

    One of the most valuable features of an MDM solution is remote management. Administrators can monitor the health of POS systems in real time, remotely diagnose and troubleshoot issues, and even perform remote reboots or updates. Patch updates for POS devices is a critical capability that an MDM solution offers. By pushing such updates during the device maintenance window, admins can minimize downtime.

    Application Management

    MDM platforms facilitate the centralized management and installation of POS software and enterprise applications. Administrators can configure, distribute, and update applications as needed, ensuring all devices run the latest, most secure versions. They can also restrict the installation of unauthorized or potentially malicious apps through app blocking

    Content Management & Custom Branding

    MDM solutions allow businesses to manage the content and branding displays on POS devices. Presentations, videos, or any type of ad content on POS devices can aid promotions and create brand resonance for customers. For employees handling POS devices, content management enables instant access to relevant documents like tax tariffs. 

    Security and Compliance 

    Security is paramount in POS systems due to the sensitive data they handle. MDM solutions offer features like kiosk mode to lock POS devices to single or specific authorized apps. Regular compliance checks through automated alerts can ensure devices adhere to industry regulations and internal security policies. Using an MDM solution, IT admins can generate compliance and security alerts on parameters such as the required battery level of POS devices, incorrect password attempts, etc.  

    Inventory and Asset Management

    MDM tools assist in maintaining an accurate inventory of POS devices and their configurations. This is particularly valuable for businesses with multiple locations or those that frequently add or retire POS terminals.

    User Management

    MDM simplifies user management by allowing administrators to create and manage user profiles, define access permissions, and track user activity. This is crucial for businesses with multiple employees accessing the POS system.

    Reporting and Analytics

    MDM solutions often come equipped with reporting and analytics tools that provide insights into device performance, security incidents, and usage patterns. This data can support decision-making and help administrators fine-tune their POS system management strategies.

    Location Tracking & Geofencing

    An MDM solution allows administrators to set geofences for POS systems and track their locations. Alerts can be triggered when geofences are breached. Location tracking can help locate and recover a POS device in case of loss or theft. When recovery isn’t feasible, another MDM feature of remote wipe and lock comes in handy to eliminate data misuse. 

    Learn everything about Sunmi POS device management with Scalefusion.

    Benefits of MDM for Modern POS Systems

    Enhanced Security: MDM ensures POS systems are fortified against threats, with enforced security policies and remote management capabilities to respond quickly to any security breaches.

    Simplified Management: MDM streamlines the management of POS devices, making it easier to handle multiple terminals, apply updates, and maintain consistency across the network.

    Cost Efficiency: The ability to remotely troubleshoot and manage POS devices reduces the need for on-site technical support, thus cutting operational costs.

    Increased Uptime: Real-time monitoring and remote management result in reduced downtime, which is critical for businesses that rely on uninterrupted service.

    Compliance and Reporting: MDM facilitates adherence to industry regulations and provides valuable insights through reporting and analytics.

    Improved Customer Experience & Satisfaction: MDM ensures efficient management of POS systems, which translates to seamless transactions and optimized device usage. Hence, businesses can deliver improved customer experience and satisfaction for every POS interaction. 

    Opt for Scalefusion to Manage Modern POS Systems

    Modern POS systems have become integral to businesses of all sizes, and their effective management is essential to maintaining operational efficiency and security. An MDM solution like Scalefusion offers a comprehensive framework for IT administrators to address the challenges associated with POS systems, providing security, remote management, and efficient user access controls.

    By making the most of their advantages and leveraging Scalefusion MDM, businesses can ensure their modern POS systems are secure and operating at peak performance. Know more by scheduling a demo with our experts or signing up for a 14-day free trial. 


    1. What is a modern POS system?

    A modern POS (Point of Sale) system is a digital solution that facilitates transactions between businesses and customers. It typically includes features like inventory management, sales analytics, and payment processing, streamlining operations for retailers and enhancing the shopping experience for consumers

    2. What are the different types of POS?

    Point of Sale (POS) systems come in various types, including:

    • Traditional terminals: Basic machines for processing transactions.
    • Mobile POS: Devices like tablets or smartphones for on-the-go sales.
    • Cloud-based POS: Software accessed via the internet, offering flexibility and data storage.
    • Self-service kiosks: Automated systems where customers can complete transactions independently.
    • mPOS: Mobile POS systems that utilize smartphones or tablets for processing payments.

    3. How does a POS system work?

    A POS system works by processing transactions. It includes hardware like a cash register and software to record sales, manage inventory, and generate receipts. Customers pay using various methods, and the system tracks sales data for reporting and analysis.

    4. What are the benefits of using modern POS systems?

    Modern POS systems offer streamlined transactions, inventory management, and analytics, enhancing operational efficiency. They facilitate seamless payments, customer insights, and integration with other business tools, ultimately improving productivity and customer satisfaction.

    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan is a Senior Content Editor at Scalefusion who is an enthusiast of all things tech and loves culinary and musical expeditions. With more than a decade of experience, he believes in delivering consummate, insightful content to readers.

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