
    Best Single Sign-On Solutions for 2024 and SSO-MDM Integration

    The digital transformation of workplaces has removed the fixed single set of perimeters of office premises. We can observe an increasing need for a strong security posture even within office premises, and with the ‘work-from-anywhere’ phenomenon, the concerns around security continue to heighten. Thus, the adoption of security solutions has witnessed a sharp rise worldwide. One such solution that is a must-have in today’s tech and business environment is Single Sign-On. Along with SSO, businesses are also leveraging marketing automation platforms for SaaS to streamline their marketing efforts and enhance efficiency.

    What is a Single Sign-on (SSO)?

    Single Sign-On, or SSO, is a mechanism that allows users to authenticate themselves once and gain access to multiple applications or systems without the need to provide their credentials again for each individual app or system. It eliminates the need for users to remember and manage multiple usernames and passwords for different applications or websites. Hence, choosing the best single sign-on solution becomes imperative for businesses. 

    Different SSO protocols and standards, such as Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and OpenID Connect, provide frameworks for implementing SSO across various applications and platforms. Another critical element is the integration of Single Sign-On with other solutions, such as Mobile Device Management (MDM).

    In this blog, let’s look into some of the best SSO providers out there in 2024. We will also touch upon the importance of SSO-MDM integration. 

    6 Best Single Sign-on Providers in 2024

    In a traditional authentication system, users are required to enter their credentials (a combination of username/user ID and password) for each separate application or system they want to access. With SSO, a user only needs to authenticate once with a central identity provider, and then they can access multiple systems or applications configured to trust the identity provider.

    There are many SSO tools in the market. But, We have handpicked some of the top single sign-on solutions businesses must consider in 2024 to level up their security and access management game. 

    1. Okta

    best cloud-based single sign-on solutions

    Okta is a leading Single Sign-on provider offering the best single sign-on solutions. Its cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) platform, Okta Identity Cloud, offers a comprehensive suite of features for businesses of all sizes. Okta’s key strength lies in its centralized identity management capabilities, providing a single control point for user identities, access rights, and authentication policies. 

    With Okta, businesses can integrate and manage thousands of applications thanks to its comprehensive application integration support and pre-built connectors. This allows for seamless SSO experiences across diverse software ecosystems.

    Key Features

    • Centralized identity management
    • Wide application integration
    • Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    • User provisioning and deprovisioning
    • API access management


    • Basic SSO plan at $2 per user per month
    • Adaptive SSO at $5 per user per month
    • Extra pricing for add-on features like MFA starts at $3 per device per month
    • 30-day free trial of the basic SSO plan

    2. Duo

    sso provider

    Duo, now part of Cisco, provides an authentication platform with SSO capabilities. It offers a wide range of MFA and two-factor authentication (2FA) options, including push notifications, SMS passcodes, phone calls, hardware tokens, and biometrics. Duo focuses on delivering a user-friendly authentication experience with intuitive interfaces. 

    Duo’s adaptive access policies allow businesses to set up policies based on contextual factors like user location, device security posture, and network environment. Duo’s SSO solution includes secure remote access capabilities, providing Single Sign-on tools and MFA for remote employees accessing company resources.

    Key Features

    • Multi-factor authentication
    • Passwordless authentication (using Duo Mobile or FIDO 2)
    • Threat detection
    • Adaptive access policies
    • Secure remote access


    • Free for up to 10 users (with only the MFA feature)
    • Essentials plan at $3 per user per month
    • Advantage plan at $6 per user per month
    • Premier plan at $9 per user per month
    • 30-day free trial

    3. LastPass

    single sign on solutions

    LastPass (by LogMeIn) is primarily known for its password management capabilities but also offers SSO functionality. With LastPass, businesses can use a single ID to securely store and manage passwords for different applications, eliminating the need for users to remember multiple passwords. The software automatically fills in login credentials, streamlining the authentication process. 

    LastPass also enables secure password sharing, allowing users to share access to specific applications with colleagues or team members. Multi-factor authentication options add an extra layer of security to user logins.

    Key Features

    • Secure password management
    • Password autofill
    • Secure sharing
    • Multi-factor authentication


    • Teams plan at $4 per user per month
    • Business plan at $6 per user per month
    • 14-day free trial for both plans

    4. PingOne

    single sign-on providers

    PingOne (by PingIdentity) is a cloud-based IAM solution that includes SSO capabilities. It prioritizes delivering a seamless user experience by providing a user-friendly interface and ensuring a smooth SSO solution experience across various applications and systems. PingOne supports identity federation using standard protocols like SAML and OpenID Connect, making it easier to integrate with external identity providers and enable SSO with partner organizations. 

    PingOne’s risk-based authentication assesses risk factors and applies appropriate authentication measures accordingly. Additionally, its mobile device support allows secure access to applications from smartphones and tablets.

    Key Features

    • Seamless user experience
    • Identity federation (SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect)
    • Social media login integration
    • Risk-based authentication
    • Mobile device support


    • Essential plan at $3 per user per month
    • Plus plan at $6 per user per month
    • Premium plan on request
    • 30-day free trial

    5. OneLogin

    sso tools

    OneLogin (by One Identity) is an enterprise-grade IAM platform offering SSO capabilities. It provides unified access management, allowing businesses to manage user access across applications, systems, and networks from a centralized platform. Integration with popular directory services like Microsoft Azure Active Directory and LDAP simplifies user management and synchronization. 

    OneLogin’s adaptive authentication features, including MFA and contextual access policies, strengthen security. The platform maintains an extensive application catalog, facilitating easy single sign-on implementation across various software. OneLogin’s automation of user provisioning and deprovisioning processes ensures efficient account management.

    Key Features

    • Unified access management
    • Directory integration (AD LDAP)
    • Adaptive authentication
    • Application catalog
    • User provisioning and deprovisioning


    • Advanced plan at $4 per user per month
    • Professional plan at $8 per user per month
    • 30-day free trial

    6. JumpCloud

    best sso providers

    JumpCloud is an Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) platform with SSO functionality. It offers a cloud-based directory service, allowing businesses to centrally manage user identities, access rights, and authentication across various devices and platforms. 

    JumpCloud supports SSO for Windows, macOS, Linux, web applications, and cloud infrastructure. Its just-in-time provisioning automatically creates user accounts when users attempt to log in to applications for the first time. Role-based access control simplifies permission management, and CLI integration enables efficient user account and access management via command-line tools.

    Key Features

    • Cloud-based directory
    • SSO across devices and platforms
    • Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning
    • Role-based access control (RBAC)
    • Command-line interface (CLI) integration


    • Always-free version with all features for 10 users and 10 devices
    • A la carte plan (cloud directory required): $2 per user per year / $3 per device per month

    Each of these single sign-on solutions providers brings its unique strengths and features to the table. Businesses should evaluate their specific needs and consider scalability, integration capabilities, security requirements and user experience when choosing the most suitable single sign-on software.

    Read our in-depth blog to know more about SSO

    Importance of Single Sign-on & MDM Integration

    The integration between SSO and MDM solutions is crucial for businesses for several reasons:

    Enhanced Security 

    The integration of single sign-on and MDM allows for stronger security measures. MDM solutions enable businesses to enforce device-level security policies, such as data encryption, passcode requirements, and remote data wipe. These actions need to be performed with extreme caution. 

    When the MDM platform is integrated with SSO, users can authenticate themselves using their preferred single sign-on before accessing the dashboard, ensuring that only authorized individuals can gain access. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and inappropriate actions on the MDM platform.

    Simplified User Experience

    SSO and MDM integration creates a seamless and convenient user experience. IT teams managing devices using an MDM solution can log in to their corporate dashboard using their work email credentials once and gain automatic access to all authorized applications and resources via single sign-on solution. This eliminates the need for users to remember and repeatedly enter multiple usernames and passwords, streamlining the authentication process and improving productivity.

    Centralized and Remote User Management

    Integration between SSO and MDM provides centralized user management capabilities. User provisioning and deprovisioning can be automated, ensuring that access to the MDM platform is granted or revoked based on employee role and association with the company. 

    This simplifies the administration process, reduces manual efforts, and enhances security by promptly removing access for users who no longer work for the organization or are no longer required to access the MDM platform.

    Cost and Time Savings 

    SSO-MDM integration reduces administrative overhead and saves time and costs associated with managing user accounts, passwords, and device configurations separately. Centralized user management, automated provisioning, and consistent security policies streamline processes and minimize the need for manual intervention.

    Closing Lines: Scalefusion MDM & SSO Integration

    Integrating SSO solutions and Scalefusion MDM is essential for businesses to ensure robust security, simplify user experiences, streamline administration, and maintain regulatory compliance throughout any ID lifecycle management. It provides a cohesive and comprehensive approach to managing user identities, access, and device security in an increasingly mobile and interconnected business environment.

    Contact our experts to learn all about Scalefusion MDM integration with SSO solutions. You can also opt for a 14-day free trial.


    1. What is Enterprise SSO?

    Enterprise SSO (Single Sign-On) solutions enable users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials, enhancing security while simplifying login processes. This technology streamlines authentication across an organization’s digital assets, offering a unified access management approach.

    2. Is Single Sign-On Secure?

    Single sign-on (SSO) is a secure authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. It implements robust protocols like SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect, enhancing security through centralized access controls and reducing password fatigue risks.

    3. Is it possible to integrate SSO tools with other solutions?

    Yes, integrating Single Sign-On (SSO) tools with various solutions is not only possible but encouraged for enhancing security and streamlining access. Single sign-on implementation supports seamless integration with numerous platforms, including cloud services, enterprise applications, and data management systems, facilitating centralized and efficient user authentication.

    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan is a Senior Content Editor at Scalefusion who is an enthusiast of all things tech and loves culinary and musical expeditions. With more than a decade of experience, he believes in delivering consummate, insightful content to readers.

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