
    Windows 10 for Education: Overview, Benefits, Challenges, Management

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    Windows 10 for Education
    Windows 10 for Education

    Popularity of Windows

    Ever since its inception in 1985, Windows computers have knocked on the doors of organizations, schools, and homes and have been dearly loved. Before the mobile phone took over our lives, a Windows computer was the only digital technology that was widely used across industries, age groups, and use-cases. The popularity of Windows computers is undebated. As of 2021, Windows has a global market share of more than 87.56% for browsing according to a survey by Net MarketShare. For gaming and developers, the market share is around 95% and 45% respectively². 

    The numbers alone speak of the recognition of Windows devices among users. What makes Windows computers so acclaimed across the world is their familiarity, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, thanks to a variety of freely available Windows app development platforms the market is filled with Windows software that is extremely cheap or free of cost. Windows PCs are widely used across the world in the education sector because windows 10 for education happens to be the easiest, most accessible, and most reasonable personal computer available in the market. So much so that a computer in most parts of the world is synonymous with Windows.

    What is Windows 10 for Education?

    Windows 10, the latest series of personal computing operating systems by Microsoft was launched in 2015. Enriched with universal apps and an improved interface, Windows 10 has been receiving positive reviews since its launch. Bundled with Windows educational software and designed to keep the desktop users in mind, Windows 10 has been extensively used in education for personalized learning facilitated by education-centric applications, all at affordable rates. 

    Windows 10 focuses on delivering education straight to the student, alleviating the workload of educators. Teachers and educators can make use of Windows 10 devices as a replacement to traditional blackboards, paving the way for interactive learning and improved engagement.

    Windows 10 for students has special provisioning for computers and laptops deployed for educational institutes and there are several applications exclusively designed for education- ranging from the apps for learning to online tests, making it an immersive end-to-end learning & teaching experience. Coupled with contemporary hardware, the easy-to-manage Windows 10 is revolutionizing the educational industry and it’s time institutes start exploring how to manage them with a powerful MDM.

    Benefits of Windows 10 Education to Drive an Engaging Educational Experience

    The education industry is embracing several technological advancements but the role and importance of Windows 10 are nowhere to go away. Check out these top 6 benefits that schools and colleges leverage using Windows 10.

    1. Improved reading & writing

    Microsoft learning tools help in improving comprehension, speed of reading, and writing with visually enhanced displays. Further, these tools help with highlighted texts, by reading aloud content and by breaking down words syllable-by-syllable. 

    2. Improved storytelling

    With the Microsoft Photos app, storytelling in classrooms is dynamically improved with video and graphics, also making a way for engagement and creative communication. Utilizing the best AI video generators ensures effortless content creation, empowering educators to craft compelling visual materials for enriched learning experiences.

    3. Creativity unleashed

    With Paint 3D, students can channelize their inner creator and furbish excellent & challenging concepts into models based on their thought process.

    4. Better controls

    Onscreen Eye controls enable students, especially the ones with special needs or disabilities to control the on-screen mouse and keyboard and enable text to speech recognition. 

    5. Productivity tools

    Students and educators can make use of Whiteboards, a digital board for improved collaboration. Nearby sharing enables students to exchange notes and information over the air, Focus assistance can help to eliminate distractions during work hours, and take a test can help teachers in conducting digital assignments.

    6. Collection of educational apps

    Microsoft has a huge set of apps ranging from early learning, study guides, reference books, language, and instructional guides specifically designed for education. Making use of these educational apps, schools can implement new ways of learning, through interactive puzzles, digital flashcards & even games.

    Challenges in Using Windows 10 Devices for Education

    While using Windows 10 drives in great benefits for educators and students, the use of digital devices in classrooms can also bring in a few challenges, such as:

    • Use of entertainment apps causing distractions
    • Accessing non-educational, inappropriate websites and content
    • Risk of misusing the computer for non-educational purposes
    • Breach of student’s personal developmental data
    • Unauthorized access to the computer after school hours
    • Inability to privately distribute mission-specific apps
    • Manually monitoring the performance of the devices, updating systems whenever needed
    • Manually troubleshooting errors on the computer 
    • Controlling the device operations centrally, without impacting user experience 

    To mitigate these challenges, it is important to apply school-level usage policies on the Windows 10 laptops and desktops used in education. Effective management of large device inventories creates a subsequent load on the school’s IT team and hence, an MDM solution for education plays well to mitigate these challenges while leveraging the true capabilities of Windows 10 devices.

    Also Read: Lock Chrome Browser for Online Exams on Windows 10 devices

    Scalefusion Windows 10 Management for Education

    Scalefusion Windows device management helps schools and educational organizations to effectively eliminate the challenges brought in while using Windows 10 computers for education. With Scalefusion support for Windows 10 devices (for both company-owned or student-owned), educators and students can make use of educational capabilities and features extended by Windows 10 devices without hampering productivity and security. 

    Key Advantages of using Scalefusion to manage Windows 10 devices in education:

    • Allow or block applications 
    • Allow or block access to websites
    • Configure chrome browser settings to avoid distractions by blocking pop-ups, javascript and setting YouTube filters
    • Ensure device and data security by enforcing passcodes, Incognito mode and disabling password and form autofill
    • Configure the device to run only a selected single, pre-installed/ Enterprise/ Win32 application 
    • Control default search engine and search suggestions
    • Enforce geolocation on a chrome browser for IP-based location tracking

    The use of Windows 10 for education can be immensely beneficial for augmenting the learning experience for kids. By establishing appropriate policy applications & controls, the experience of using Windows 10 for education can be elevated.

    Secure, control & monitor Windows 10 devices used for your students and kids with Scalefusion! We also offer discounted rates for schools and NGOs.


    1. What is Windows 10 for Education?

    Windows 10 devices are the perfect way to transition from traditional blackboard teaching to digital PC learning. Windows 10 PCs provisioned with education-centric apps can improve classroom learning for students.

    2. Does Windows 10 Education have limitations?

    While Windows 10 for Education has several benefits such as enhanced creativity, greater control, improved engagement, it does have a few limitations such as misuse of of PCs for accessing entertainment apps and websites, risk of malware, inability to monitor students’ PC usage, etc.

    3. What is the difference between Windows 10 Pro and education?

    Windows 10 Pro is designed for professional usage, while Windows 10 for Education comes with specific features that benefit educators and students. Windows 10 for Education is just another variant of Windows 10 Pro, equipped with educational features.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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