
    Product Spotlight – Five new features from Scalefusion

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    Scalefusion has added five brand new features and enhanced the existing ones in its new version 2.1.0. These features are innovative and brings ease in using the solution for adopting mobility in your business.

    A quick look at what’s new from Scalefusion

    1. Multiple Geofence and enhanced limit!

    Now, Geofencing can be utilised for multiple devices on the dashboard. Even, the min. geofencing radius limit, which was 500m earlier is now reduced to 100m. So, it helps you to set up a smaller perimeter to closely monitor your devices’ movements.

    Geofence is a virtual fence set for each mobile device. GPS controls certain aspects of these devices when they are inside or outside the fence. Earlier, we had set the limit of the fence to minimum radii of 500m, now the fencing can be made more stringent with minimum radii of 100m. Once the geofence for a device or the group of devices is set, dashboard receives a notification whenever the devices breach the set zone.

    Setting a geofence for all your mobile device is very easy from Scalefusion dashboard. And, now, the IT admin, managing all the devices from the dashboard will be able to view the geofences of multiple devices on a single page. This will make monitoring of the devices much easier.

    2. Scalefusion Dashboard in French!

    Scalefusion cloud-based dashboard is the core of our solution. It makes it easy to enroll, control and efficiently manage your Android mobile devices.

    Now, you can also set your dashboard language to French as French is a widely used language across the world. And in coming releases, we even plan to have other multiple languages like German, Russian, Chinese – traditional and simplified! Our plan is to give customers an advantage to operate Scalefusion in their own language, worldwide.

    3. Sony mobile users can now avail additional security features when in Scalefusion app

    We are now Sony Enterprise partner! Manage your Sony mobile devices (Android) by enforcing device restrictions, advanced security features, and better monitoring. Now you can do the following on your Sony mobile devices:

    • Enable/Disable Factory Reset
    • Enable/Disable Home, Back & Recent apps button
    • Enable/Disable device storage access through USB
    • Enable/Disable power off button
    • Enable/Disable debugging mode

    4. Scalefusion in China!

    We have worked hard for this and now we can serve our customers in China as well. We have customized our set up exclusively for the Chinese market and the customers will be able to use Scalefusion on Android mobile devices seamlessly and leverage the best of Enterprise mobility in their organizations.

    5. Scalefusion now supports Kindle Fire Tablets!

    Got some Kindle tablets in your business? Scalefusion has been optimized for Amazon Kindle Fire tablets. It is purpose-built to find and consume digital media like e-books, e-magazines, apps, and the web. Hence Kindle Fire tablets can be now monitored & managed by Scalefusion to use them only for a specific purpose.

    There are various other features updated, so, for more information on Scalefusion v 2.1.0, contact us on [email protected] & keep visiting our website for the new updates!

    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch is a Research & Marketing professional, also writes for Scalefusion on Enterprise Mobility trends, SaaS, and different Industry Verticals.

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