
    FinancesOnline grants two IT management software awards to Scalefusion

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    Scalefusion got the thumbs up of no less than one of the premier online software review sites. We are proud to announce that our kiosk lockdown system scored 8.0 out of 10 and received a perfect user satisfaction rating of 100% in the algorithmic grading of trusted B2B directory during a recent review. The experts observed how Scalefusion allows organizations, especially those involved in logistics, to easily and effectively control company-owned Android devices. They also noted how Scalefusion is a more cost-effective solution than traditional mobile device management (MDM) systems.


    At the heart of Scalefusion is a customizable Android home screen replacement that transforms devices into Kiosk mode. The home screen limits user access only to company-allowed apps and sites, and admins can block access to settings, app installation, and even browser bar to prevent users from accessing specific sites. Being an effective and efficient MDM solution earned for Scalefusion the 2017 Rising Star Award and Great User Experience Award for IT software. These honors are accorded to new breakout products that have gained traction with customers for their usefulness and outstanding features. We are thrilled with these latest achievements that point to our product’s usability and capabilities.

    You may ask, why these restrictions? It must be remembered that these devices are company resources provided to employees to facilitate work and improve productivity, hence companies must have the means to ensure that they are used properly, which is what our product is all about. We’re also happy to inform everyone that because of the awards, Scalefusion broke through the coveted rankings of finance advice online and has been included among its popular top 10 IT management systems. All these accolades would not have been possible without the solid support of our customers who have found a convenient and robust tool in our product that is currently being used in over a million Android devices from 60 countries worldwide.


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