
    How to Hide Status Bar and Notification Bar on Android Devices?

    Android devices are the most popular kiosk devices deployed for a variety of operations across diverse industries. In fact, anywhere we look around, the digital devices deployed all around us for day-to-day purposes are Android devices. Be it as wayfinders in malls, POS systems in retail stores, or digital signage displaying eye-catching ads for the latest products, Android kiosks are popular.

    hide status bar android
    How to hide status bar and Notification Bar on Android Devices

    It has an easy-to-use system UI, excellent operational efficiency, and is highly cost-effective. But as these Android devices are used for multiple business benefits, it’s essential to manage them with a dependable MDM solution that can ensure the security of the device and its data and also enforce policies to make sure that the mobile device is used only for the intended purpose.

    Why Businesses Should Hide Status Bar on Android Devices: The Need

    Imagine this, if your business has Android devices deployed as mPOS systems, but the end-user accidentally hits any other button by swiping the notification bar. Or, your Android device is locked into a single-app mode to fill out a form for business, and your device notifications keep buzzing on the display. Not only does it potentially impact your end-user’s experience, but it might also directly cause a hindrance to a transaction.

    Hence, managing your Android devices for business with an end-to-end Android MDM is the right choice to optimize the benefits reaped from the digitization of your business.

    With Scalefusion, you can not only manage your Android devices effectively but also gain granular control and restricting access to your devices to enhance your end-user experience, ultimately creating a positive impact on your business.

    What is a Notification Bar/ Notification Center?

    A notification bar gives your end-users access to settings such as network and connectivity, applications that are currently in use, and quick settings such as location, brightness, and screen orientation. Any changes to the settings and your business flow might be impacted, not to mention the threat to device security as well as the user experience.

    What is a Status Bar in Android?

    A status bar is a collection of notification icons and system icons. It displays the network the device is connected to and the icons of the applications with unread notifications. Scalefusion allows you to hide the status bar programmatically with ease.

    In this article, we will be discussing the step-by-step procedure to hide the notification bar and status bar on Android devices. You can hide the status bar without any scripting or coding, and you can also hide the notification bar to avoid unauthorized access or changes in settings.

    How to Hide the Status Bar Icon and Notification Bar on Android Devices: Step-by-step Guide

    This step-wise guide will help IT admin or business owners learn how to hide status bar on Android using Scalefusion MDM to prevent users from making changes to smartphone settings.

    1. Navigate to the Device Profiles. A Device Profile is a set of policies that are applied to the enrolled devices.

    2. Create a new device policy or start editing an existing one.

    Hide Android Status Bar and Notification Bar Using Scalefusion Agent Mode

    1. Make sure the Device Profile is configured in Agent Mode.

    2. Navigate to Restrictions>Device Management. Select the EMM settings. Here, you can configure the Agent settings to block apps on Android devices. Disable the system status bar with the toggle button.

    android hide status bar

    3. To disable notifications from apps, navigate to General Settings under Device Settings in the Restrictions tab. Disable the app notifications on the device to prevent the device from receiving notifications.

    How to Hide Notifications in Android Devices in Kiosk Mode

    1. Make sure the Device Profile is configured in kiosk mode. In Kiosk mode, you can run the lock on the Android device into single-app mode.

    2. Navigate to the Kiosk/Launcher settings and click on the Notification Center. Here, you can configure the notification center. Disable the notification bar settings to prevent users from dragging the notification bar.

    3. To disable notifications from apps, navigate to General Settings in the Restrictions tab. Disable the app notifications on the device to prevent the device from receiving notifications. This will be the same as the setting for Android EMM devices.

    How to Hide App Notifications on Android Devices Without Policy Configuration

    If you have devices enrolled on Scalefusion with no Device Profiles applied to them, you can still restrict the app notifications on Android devices by configuring Android utilities.

    Navigate to Utilities>Android Settings. Disable the app notifications.

    how to hide status bar in android programmatically
    Now the status bar is hidden

    By following the above-mentioned steps, disabling the status bar on Android devices without any program or code will be a piece of cake using Scalefusion. You can hide the notification bar on managed devices using Scalefusion Android Kiosk Software. Hiding app notifications is also streamlined, and the experience of your end-user remains intact while enforcing security restrictions.

    Schedule a free live demo here: and get all your questions answered.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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