
    How to Block Apps on Android Phones and Tablets

    Android devices are an integral part of our daily lives. Without these devices and the applications in them, our day-to-day tasks would be difficult to execute. In fact, according to a recent survey[1], there were over 2.6 million apps available on the Google Play Store in 2023, which were downloaded 113 billion times. These numbers showcase how these devices and applications are indispensable for us.

    However, there are situations where we have to block these apps on Android devices. Whether for professional purposes or simple parental control, blocking apps on these devices is necessary. With that note, Let’s understand how to block apps on Android devices.

    How to Block Apps on Android Phones
    How to Block Apps on Android Device

    In this comprehensive guide, we will understand how to block apps on Android devices. We will also explore the importance of blocking apps and how an organization can use Scalefusion MDM to seamlessly restrict apps on their business devices.

    What is App Blocking on Android?

    App blocking on Android involves restricting access to specific applications on a device, preventing users from opening or using them. This feature is useful in various scenarios, such as enhancing productivity in workplaces, ensuring focus and safety in educational environments, and managing app usage for children. By implementing app blocking, administrators can control which apps are available on a device, thereby maintaining security and compliance with organizational policies.

    To block apps on Android devices, various tools and solutions can be employed. Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions provide robust app-blocking features that allow administrators to remotely manage and enforce app restrictions across multiple devices. These solutions often come with additional features, such as real-time monitoring and reporting, ensuring devices remain secure and compliant with the set guidelines.

    Importance of Blocking an App on Android Devices

    App blocking on Android devices serves multiple purposes, significantly enhancing the user experience and device management. It provides a powerful tool for parents, organizations, and individual users to control which applications can be accessed on their devices. This control is crucial for maintaining focus, protecting sensitive information, and ensuring devices run efficiently. Users can create a safer, more productive, and more compliant digital environment by preventing access to unwanted or potentially harmful apps.

    • Enhanced Productivity: Blocking non-essential apps during work hours minimizes distractions, ensuring employees stay focused on their tasks and improving overall work efficiency.
    • Increased Security: Restricting access to potentially harmful applications helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, reducing the risk of malware and data breaches.
    • Parental Control: Blocking inappropriate apps helps parents safeguard their children from unsuitable content, promoting a safer and more controlled digital environment for minors.
    • Device Performance: By blocking resource-intensive apps, the overall performance and speed of the device improve significantly, leading to a seamless user experience and prolonged device lifespan.
    • Policy Compliance: Ensuring app usage aligns with organizational policies helps maintain a secure and compliant operational environment, preventing unauthorized activities and ensuring adherence to corporate guidelines.
    • Bandwidth Management: Blocking apps that consume excessive data helps manage and reduce bandwidth usage, ensuring a more efficient allocation of network resources.
    • Battery Life Conservation: By restricting apps that drain battery life, users can extend the battery life of their devices, making them more reliable throughout the day without frequent recharging.
    • Focus on Essential Apps: Blocking unnecessary applications helps users focus on essential and productive apps, enhancing overall device utility and ensuring critical apps receive priority usage.

    Understanding how to block an app on Android is essential for effectively leveraging these benefits, providing control over device usage, and enhancing productivity, security, and performance.

    Method 1: Using Built-in App Management Features to Restrict Apps

    Android provides built-in features to manage and restrict app usage. Follow these steps on how to block a specific app on Android using the native app management settings:

    1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
    2. Scroll down and tap on Apps & Notifications or Application Manager (may vary depending on your device).
    3. In the list of installed apps, select the app you want to block.
    4. Tap on Permissions or App Info (again, this may vary based on your device).
    5. Disable the Allow app or Enable option to block the app.

    Using built-in app management features is a straightforward method to block individual apps on your Android device. However, it may not provide advanced blocking options or offer a comprehensive solution for managing multiple apps simultaneously. Understanding how to restrict apps on Android through these settings can be beneficial for basic app management needs.

    Method 2: Using Google Play Parental Controls to Block Apps

    Google Play offers efficient parental controls to block certain apps on Android devices, making it easy for parents to manage what their children can download and access. Here’s how to block Android apps using parental controls:

    1. Open the Google Play Store app on your device.
    2. Tap on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner.
    3. Select Settings.
    4. Tap ‘Parental Controls’ and turn it on.
    5. Create a PIN to protect the settings.
    6. Tap ‘Apps & Games’ and set the desired restrictions based on age ratings.

    Using Google Play parental controls is an effective way to restrict app downloads and ensure your child only accesses appropriate content. For more detailed information, visit Google Play Help.

    By combining the mentioned methods, you can efficiently learn how to block an app on Android and ensure a secure and controlled digital environment.

    Method 3: Third-party App Management Solutions like Scalefusion MDM

    With Scalefusion’s Android MDM, blocking apps on Android devices is efficient and straightforward. IT admins can block applications available from Play for Work for enterprise devices. For non-corporate environments like schools, parental controls can be enforced to block apps on Android phones and tablets. Devices can also be locked into single-app mode for specific purposes, ensuring they are used appropriately.

    Scalefusion MDM offers a wide range of features, including:

    • Installation Setting: Control which apps can be installed on the device. This setting is particularly useful for maintaining the integrity of the device by ensuring only authorized applications are added. With the Scalefusion App Blocker for Android, administrators can easily manage app installations and prevent unauthorized software from being installed.
    • Uninstallation Setting: Prevent users from uninstalling essential apps. This ensures critical applications remain on the device at all times, maintaining its functionality and security.
    • App Blocking Setting: Easily block access to specific apps. This setting allows administrators to block an app on Android devices quickly, preventing users from accessing apps deemed unnecessary or potentially harmful.
    • Time-Based Setting: Schedule app blocking during certain hours. This feature is ideal for managing productivity, as it can limit access to distracting apps during work or school hours, ensuring users remain focused on their tasks.
    • Speed-Based Setting: With speed-based app locking, IT teams can set a speed limit for each device and restrict app usage when the limit is breached. When the speed threshold is breached, access to specific or all apps on the mobile device is blocked to maintain road safety and regulatory compliance.
    • Scheduled Blocking: Automatically block apps at specified times. This feature allows administrators to set up schedules that automatically block or unblock apps at certain times, providing a hands-off approach to app management.
    • App Usage Analysis: Gain insights into app usage patterns and receive detailed reports. This feature helps administrators understand how apps are being used, allowing for better decision-making regarding app management and restrictions.
    • Whitelisting and Blacklisting: Create precise lists of allowed or blocked apps. This feature gives administrators the ability to specify exactly which apps can be accessed and which are off-limits, providing a high level of control over app usage.
    • Password Protection: Secure settings with a password or PIN to prevent unauthorized changes. This ensures that only authorized personnel can modify the app management settings, maintaining the security and integrity of the device configuration.

    Using Scalefusion MDM to manage app installations and restrictions provides a comprehensive solution for controlling app usage on Android devices.

    [Easy Steps] How to Block Apps on Android Devices

    Let’s have a look at the step-by-step guide on how to block an app on Android devices with Scalefusion:

    1. Go to the Device Management section and select Device Profiles.

    app blocker android

    2. Device Profiles consist of policies designed to control and secure the device. Assign a suitable name to the Device Profile, select the Android operating system, and begin creating the profile.

    how to block a app in android

    3. Now, you can start allowing the applications that you want to be available on the enrolled Android device. You can also choose to enable and make visible the application on the end device.

    how to restrict apps on android

    4. You can select Scalefusion Launcher Mode or Scalefusion Agent Mode. Note that in Agent Mode, you can further restrict applications with the help of EMM settings.

    how to permanently block apps on android

    5. Move to the Restrictions tab > Application Management Settings. In the App Blocking settings, you can control the application restriction. This will block apps on Android devices that are not approved by you.

    block certain apps on android

    6. To approve applications, you have to navigate to the Application Management section of the dashboard and select Play for Work Apps.

    how to block certain apps from being downloaded

    7. Now, you can add apps from the Play for Work store (For EMM devices). Search the application of your choice using the Search and Add button.

    blocks android app

    8. You can see all the applications available on the Play for Work store. You can choose an application and approve it.

    block certain apps on android

    9. Once an app is approved in this step, you can allow it on enrolled Android devices.

    how to prevent from installing apps on android

    With Scalefusion MDM, it is easy to block apps on Android devices. You can also block all apps on an Android device and allow only enterprise apps to be available on it.

    how Android can boost your business

    Simplify App Management with Scalefusion

    Blocking apps on Android devices using the Scalefusion dashboard is a straightforward and effective method for managing device usage. By following the step-by-step guide, you can ensure that only approved applications are accessible, enhancing productivity and security.

    Scalefusion offers comprehensive control over app management, utilizing features such as installation settings, app blocking, and scheduled blocking.

    Get in touch with our experts for a demo. Sign up for a 14-day free trial.


    1. Business of Apps


    1. How to block specific apps from being downloaded on an Android device?

    Use parental controls in Google Play to block specific apps on Android devices. Go to Settings > Parental Controls, enable them, and set restrictions based on content ratings. This ensures only appropriate apps can be downloaded, preventing access to unwanted applications.

    2. What is the process to permanently block apps on an Android phone?

    To learn how to permanently block apps on Android, use a third-party app blocker or parental controls. Install the app blocker for Android, adjust the settings to restrict specific apps, and prevent their installation. This method ensures those apps remain blocked indefinitely, enhancing device control.

    3. How to block apps in the Play Store?

    Activate Play Store parental controls to block a specific app on Android devices. Navigate to Settings > Parental Controls, enable them, and configure the settings to limit access by app category or rating. This restricts the download of apps that don’t meet specified criteria.

    4. How To Hide Apps on Android Without Disabling?

    Use a launcher app to hide specific apps on Android without disabling them. Install a launcher from the Play Store and configure its settings to make desired apps invisible. This allows you to keep the apps installed while keeping them hidden from view.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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