
    How to Whitelist or Blacklist apps on Android & iOS

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    Whitelist apps on Android & iOS
    Whitelist apps on Android & iOS

    Application whitelisting or blacklisting is crucial on enterprise devices to ensure that the productive employee time is not wasted on non-work applications. As digital transformation is embraced by enterprises, by and large, having devices with unlimited access to entertainment apps can lead to severe employee distraction, impacting the overall efficiency and also burdening the enterprises with added data costs. Furthermore, having access to untrusted applications can result into malware installation on devices, causing a serious threat to critical corporate data. For preventing access to unauthorized apps on enterprise devices, a mobile device management tool can come to the rescue.

    With Scalefusion MDM, IT administrators can create comprehensive device policies that define which apps are to be allowed and which are to be blocked. While defining the policies for enterprise devices, IT admins can whitelist apps on Android as well as iOS devices with ease. While a kiosk software can help to whitelist or blacklist applications on Android and iOS devices, Scalefusion helps to achieve extensive remote management with added kiosk management capabilities.

    Read more: Optimize the Performance of Interactive Kiosks with These Simple Steps

    In this article, we will be discussing how to whitelist or blacklist apps on Android and iOS devices managed with Scalefusion Android MDM.

    How to whitelist Apps on Android devices

    1. Get started by enrolling your Android devices on Scalefusion. Navigate to the Device Management section of the Scalefusion dashboard. Choose the device profile to start whitelisting apps. Set Scalefusion as a launcher.

    Whitelist apps on Android

    2. In the Select Apps section of the Device Profile, select applications that are to be whitelisted on the select device profiles. The applications that are not selected are automatically blacklisted.

    Whitelist apps on Android

    3. You can also search for applications and whitelist them.

    Whitelist apps on Android

    How to whitelist Apps on iOS devices

    1. Navigate to the Device Management section of the Scalefusion dashboard. Select the iOS device profile to whitelist or blacklist apps.

    Whitelist apps on iOS

    2. In the Select apps section, choose the applications that you want to whitelist. Application whitelisting is only available on supervised iOS devices.

    Whitelist apps on iOS

    3. Alternatively, you can also block apps on iOS devices by blacklisting the apps in the device profile section.

    4. You can look up available apps to blacklist or whitelist applications.

    Scalefusion offers comprehensive application management for Android and iOS devices. Application whitelisting can help significantly in ensuring that your employees are not distracted, the enterprise devices are not misused and the data costs are always under a check.

    Reach out to our experts to learn more about the app whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities of Scalefusion. Get a 14-day free trial by signing up today.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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