
    How to Secure your Workstation with Kiosk Lockdown Software

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    Kiosk Lockdown Solution for Windows 10 Workstation
    Secure your Workstation with Kiosk Lockdown Software

    Not enough can be stressed about the importance of security in an enterprise environment. As more and more organizations crusade towards ensuring end-to-end security of the corporate data as well as the data of their employees and customers that they’ve collected as a part of their business processes, educating employees and the entire workforce to implement tight security measures on their end is immensely critical.

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    And while there are plenty of measures taken to secure the data from unauthorized access and misuse, there’s always ambiguity and room for error when the access to critical data is given away unknowingly. Human intervention in automated processes can cause a serious infringement, causing repercussions beyond means.

    In an enterprise environment, workstation security is heavily dependent on the employees and their approach towards security. Organizations today are investing in educating the workforce for best security practices, and while that works to curb many security challenges, the organizations should opt for an MDM solution to put their best foot forward in securing their workstations.

    Windows 10 Workstation Security

    Windows is the most popular operating system when it comes to desktops with a market share of 77.26%¹. Clearly, Windows 10 is still the preferred choice of an operating system for conventional as well as modern businesses. And hence, securing Windows 10 based workstations is a key challenge for enterprises across the globe.

    Scalefusion MDM for Windows 10 is exactly the solution that monumentally helps organizations to secure their workstations while offering the employees the best experience of using a Windows machine. What sets Scalefusion MDM apart is that it offers a seamless management experience of Windows 10 devices without hampering the usability and interface of the Windows 10 systems, ensuring that the productivity of the employees is never compromised with bulky software managing the security.

    Learn More: What is Windows Kiosk Mode? – A Fundamental Elaboration

    Scalefusion Kiosk Software for Windows 10 Workstations

    Windows 10 MDM
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    Here’s how you can secure your workstation with Kiosk lockdown software by Scalefusion:

    MDM as a Prerequisite

    Scalefusion extends OOB enrollment for Windows 10 devices using the Windows Autopilot program. The devices are auto-enrolled into the MDM configuration on the first power-up and admins have control over the access and the operation of the devices via a remote dashboard. The devices can be set up using the Office 365 AD or G-Suite, which means that there’s no workaround for not setting up MDM on the devices. 

    Support for Diverse Ownership Type

    In modern businesses, the biggest security threat to corporate data comes from devices that are not on the radar of the enterprise. With employees working from anywhere, using multiple devices access work or by default use their personal devices as workstations. With Scalefusion, enterprises can bring the personally owned workstations under the MDM umbrella by inviting the devices to management using Office 365 Active Directory. 

    Read more: How to Allow Only One Website in Windows 10

    Strict application and browsing policy

    One of the key security vulnerabilities arises from the download of untrusted apps from unknown sources and access to untrusted websites. This can happen on a workstation intentionally as well as unintentionally and Scalefusion’s app and website whitelisting and blacklisting policy come to the rescue. Admins can control which apps and websites are allowed on the workstation, ensuring that the employees can only access the apps and websites pertinent to their work.

    Read more: How to Whitelist Applications on Windows 10 Devices

    Access Control with Scalefusion Single App Kiosk mode

    On a conventional Windows 10 based workstation, the users can create an access path by signing up as a guest. With the Scalefusion kiosk app mode, the workstation can be locked down to a single application, and the access can be granted only to a predefined primary username instead of offering an auto-created kiosk account for every new user. With Kiosk lockdown software by Scalefusion for Windows 10, IT admins can lock the workstations to single or multiple work apps and block the rest. 

    Read more: How to Lockdown Windows 10 Devices in Multi-App Kiosk Mode

    Data Protection

    Scalefusion MDM offers the capability to leverage Windows Bitlocker, a built-in full volume encryption feature by Windows to ensure data protection. For Azure AD-joined devices enrolled in Scalefusion, IT admins can configure and apply Bitlocker settings to ensure data encryption. To protect corporate data from unauthorized access, misuse, and breach, Scalefusion Windows 10 MDM offers other comprehensive security settings. IT admins can block external connections via Bluetooth, USB, and Storage cards. The Wi-Fi network settings can be pushed ensuring that the workstations are always connected to a trusted, known network.

    Securing Windows 10 based workstation is simplified with Scalefusion Windows 10 kiosk mode. As an organization takes cautious measures to ensure data security, Scalefusion MDM brings forth multiple avenues to not only monitor the device operation but also to secure its end-to-end operations. 

    Resources and Links

    1. gs.statcounter
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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