
    How Scalefusion Helped an AdTech Company Lockdown their Tablet into Kiosks

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    Scalefusion has lately bagged the opportunity to work with one of the leading DOOH (Digital Out-of-Home) and AdTech companies that specializes in developing high-quality software for the digital signage space. With more than 100 happy clients, Xwards has installed 152 screens in 104 cabs playing over 1000 hours of ads and its services include residential and commercial space advertising, transit advertising, and signage software & hardware.

    As a leading MDM solution player and their partner of choice, we are helping the company with locking their corporate-owned in-cab tablets to ensure playing advertisements in a business-focused manner. The company works with clients to install their in-cab entertainment tablets behind the cab headrests. This offers the passengers a complete view and easy access to these tablets, where they can play games, watch a TV show or listen to music during long-hour journeys.

    Also Read: Learn how Scalefusion helped an emergency management services company

    These in-cab tablets are also used to display advertisements in a clutter-free way within a captive environment, which makes the cab drivers earn some extra money.

    In short, Xwards AdTech software allows:

    • The cab drivers earn extra money online from ad revenues
    • The passengers/cab-takers to enjoy an entertaining ride
    • The brands to play their advertisements in a clutter-free way

    Now, to successfully meet this business scenario, Xwards wanted to ensure that the in-cab tablets are effectively locked down with Xwards app in order to:

    • Make sure that the in-cab tablets are not tampered with or misused by the drivers, passengers, or kids
    • Make sure that the passengers cannot take any other action except the specific choices provided within the app

    Also Read: Why your company would need a kiosk management software

    How Scalefusion Helped Xwards

    Scalefusion helped Xwards with its kiosk lockdown software that effectively locked down their in-cab tablets into a single app kiosk mode. This specifically ensured that passengers are given a limited number of choices to select from without any scope of device misuse or personal usage.

    This made the tablets run only a single app that contained all the company-provided entertainment options and brand advertisements. Passengers or drivers are not allowed to use the tablets for any other undefined activity.

    This effectively assisted our customer (Xwards) to meet their specific business requirements with proven results and benefits.

    • Enhanced passenger experience
    • Enhanced brand-customer engagement
    • Protected and secure tablet utilization

    We successfully helped the client meet its business requirement in a most seamless and cost-effective manner without making any major changes in the overall experience. This definitely made a huge difference as we got to work with another happy and satisfied customer. This was just one of the several examples! To know more about our success stories, read our case studies.

    Sonali Datta
    Sonali Datta
    Sonali has an extensive experience in content writing, marketing, and strategy and she has worked with companies where she was involved in the 360-degree content production and editing. An avid reader and animal lover, she loves to cook, take care of her plants and travel.

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