
    Remote Desktop Software: The COVID-19 Solution for Businesses

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    The pandemic has had a staggering impact on businesses across the globe. While some businesses moved to the remote working model, a few of them went into a complete shutdown. The businesses that had to choose the second way were either extremely location dependent- for eg. manufacturing units, industries, etc, or didn’t have the right infrastructure to enable remote working. As the initial comprehensions around the pandemic are slowly subsiding, returning to normalcy feels far from real, at least in the year of 2020. The need to be ‘remote-first’ is real and this is where the remote desktop software comes into play.

    Remote Desktops Software Solution
    Remote Desktops Software

    Remote desktop software enables businesses to move operations to complete remote work. It takes off the burden from IT teams who have to ensure device provisioning, resource optimization, security and compliance maintenance and troubleshooting- while they themselves are working remotely.

    Let us have a look at how remote desktop software can help in ensuring business continuity during COVID-19 and beyond.

    Remote Desktop Software: An Overview

    Remote desktop software empowers IT teams to remotely provision, access, and control remotely operating desktop machines. Since these desktops operate outside the conventional perimeters of an office, they are most likely connected to unknown networks. With remote desktop software, the IT teams can ensure the security of the desktops and the corporate data lying on it.

    Remote Desktop Software enables IT admins to:

    • Provision device configuration over the air
    • Enforce security settings and access control
    • Install, uninstall applications
    • Control browsing on remote desktop
    • View remote screens, take control 
    • Automate compliance checks and security alerts

    Benefits of Remote Desktop Software

    • Device maintenance
    • Enhanced security
    • Employee productivity
    • Reduced device downtime
    • Business continuity

    Scalefusion Remote Desktop Software Capabilities

    Remote Device Provisioning

    Scalefusion supports zero-touch provisioning of remote desktops with the help of the Windows Autopilot program. The IT admins can push device configurations on remotely operating desktops. Similarly, BYO or employee-owned devices can be invited to remote desktop management and settings can be pushed over the air. 

    Enhanced Security Settings

    Scalefusion remote desktop software enables IT admins to exercise advanced security settings on remotely operating desktops. From enforcing password policies to user authentication via certificate management, Scalefusion remote desktop software simplifies security management over unidentified networks. For protecting corporate data on remote desktops, Scalefusion extends file encryption and protection via the Windows Information Protection policy.

    Read More: How to Maintain Security When Employees Work Remotely on Windows 10 Devices

    Application Management

    When employees work remotely, having access to the right set of resources is critical. With Scalefusion Remote Desktop Software, pushing applications- public, as well as private enterprise applications, is possible. The apps can be installed and uninstalled over the air for ensuring seamless access to business resources for the employees.

    Browsing Control

    Malware attacks and phishing emails are one of the prime security threats, especially when employees work on remote desktops. With Scalefusion remote desktop management, IT admins can control which websites can be accessed on the devices, along with configuring browser settings. 

    Remote Support

    To quickly resolve device issues on remotely operating desktops, Scalefusion remote desktop software enables IT admins to remotely mirror device screens, take control of the screen and perform actions to understand the device issue, take screenshots and screen recordings and provide a resolution. To further expedite the support, IT admins can also create context-aware support tickets on the integrated ITSM platform.

    Automated Checks

    Managing a large inventory of remote desktop software can be a daunting task, especially when multiple devices operate out of different geolocations. With Scalefusion remote desktop software, IT admins can gain an iron grip on the device performance by automating compliance checks and security alerts using Scalefusion workflows.

    For managing remotely operating macOS desktops, Scalefusion extends macOS desktop management, you can explore more here. Scalefusion remote desktop software powers businesses operating remotely during COVID-19.

    Explore Scalefusion remote working solutions for ensuring business continuity in tough times.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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