
    Mobile Application Management (MAM) for App Updates: A Quick Guide

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    The mobile-first approach has picked up even in the conventional businesses and enterprises that earlier depended heavily on traditional computers and desktop-dependant environments. With remote working further routing for the need of mobile devices, enterprises now heavily look for applications that can be used on mobile devices- Android phones, tablets, phablets, iPhones and iPads. This also ushers in the need for Mobile Application Management, which gives enterprise IT the much-needed control to not only choose which applications are to be allowed on the corporate-owned devices but also to configure them to perform to their best capability, enhancing the enterprise operations and employee productivity in the long run. 

    mobile application management
    Manage App Updates

    But it doesn’t end here. The capabilities of MAM are not simply limited to app installation on the mobile devices used in the enterprise environment. Mobile Application Management is essentially an integral part of Mobile Device Management, helping the IT to not only install and configure business applications on the devices used by employees (both corporate-owned and employee-owned) but also manage with app updates and app performance on the device end. The bottom line remains the same- to present the workforce with the best, most useful applications that run optimally and help them to get their tasks done better and faster.

    This is why an MDM software that has enhanced capabilities for Mobile application management should be the preferred choice for IT admins that want to bring efficiency to the operations- of the IT times and the workforce likewise.

    Scalefusion Mobile Application Management brings forth features that come in handy for the enterprise IT teams to manage App updates within the Scalefusion dashboard. Let us see how: 

    App installation in installation/maintenance window

    Silent app installation is a very critical feature, especially when it comes to handling a large device inventory used by the frontline workforce, knowledge workers as well as unattended or shared kiosk devices. Scalefusion MAM enables silent application installation with no intervention required from the end-user. IT admins can simply create a repository of business applications- both public and private within the Scalefusion dashboard and install it on the device inventory by pre-approving user permissions. 

    Moreover, if an app is being installed haphazardly during operational hours, it can impact employee productivity, possibly hindering the tasks they are at. Hence, Scalefusion MAM makes it possible for the IT admins to either:

    • Publish/install the application immediately
    • Publish/install the app in the maintenance window
    • Schedule the app publishing at a set time and date using Scalefusion Workflows

    Application rollout in stages

    Application rollout is a massive organizational decision and IT admins have to ensure that the application that goes out on the devices does more good than harm. For a device inventory that operates out of different geographical locations, on varied networks, ensuring the app performance is consistent all the way is difficult to test. Rolling out applications in stages can be the right solution to avoid major mishaps and sudden blows to the overall productivity.

    With Scalefusion, application rollout is possible in multiple stages. IT admins can either push apps on:

    • Select devices- could be a variety of devices, preferably available within the testing environment
    • Select profiles- a group of devices that are managed under similar policy configurations
    • Select device groups- a group of fragmented devices belonging to different OS types and policy configurations but designated for a particular use-case. 

    Rolling out app updates in stages gives IT ample time to test out app efficiency and performance, address known issues, and ensure that when the final rollout happens across the device inventory, the applications help contribute to productivity.

    Mobile Application Management
    Photo by form PxHere

    Application configuration

    For select apps, the enterprise IT teams can create an app-level configuration to make them business-ready. This includes applications that are pushed from the Play for Work and are available for configuration. App configurations can be used to set up login credentials or any other data that can be connected and pre-configured to an application, eliminating the need for any extra actions by the end-user. 

    Setting up permissions for future updates

    Several times, new app updates require the approval of newer permissions to operate effectively. With Scalefusion MAM software, the IT admins can pre-approve future permissions and configure the latest version to be installed on the devices at all times. 

    Closing lines…

    Mobile Application Management is an elemental part of managing enterprise device inventory. When coupled with the right MDM solution, it becomes effortless for the IT teams, helping to control the apps and the corporate data within them for security. 

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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