
    How To Enable the Remote Control on Zebra Devices Using Scalefusion?

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    Remote troubleshooting is not only essential but a crucial part of the digital enablement of the remote workforce. When the frontline employee devices run into an error, device downtime is inevitable without remote support. This can not only cause business loss but also lead to excess costs incurred in bringing the device to a physical service center, troubleshooting it and then having it dispatched back to the employee working out in the field.

    Remote Troubleshooting for Zebra
    Remote Troubleshooting for Zebra

    Scalefusion MDM steps in actively, to extend remote support for managed devices used in the enterprise environment- by remote as well as field workers. For select Android devices, Scalefusion offers Remote Cast and Control wherein the IT support teams can not only mirror the remote device screens on their dashboard but also take control, navigate and perform actions for rapid issue resolution. Furthermore, the advanced integrated ticketing helps in creating context-aware tickets for the unresolved issues, making the troubleshooting process more efficient and streamlined than ever.

    Scalefusion now supports Remote Control for Zebra devices that are known for their ruggedized hardware that can withstand harsh environments and sustain field use. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of how to enable remote control on Zebra devices.

    How to enable Remote Control on Zebra devices:

    Getting started

    To begin with, for certain Zebra devices- Android OS 7 and below, the Remote Control feature will be accessible once the Remote Control App (native app of Scalefusion) is installed. For other Zebra devices- Android OS 8 and above, the feature will have to be pushed through OEM configuration. 

    To get started, ensure that Scalefusion app version 7.4.0(784) and above is installed on the device, the RemoteCast app version 3.5.0(42), and above is installed on the device and the MX version on the Zebra device should be 8.3 & above.

    Step 1:

    Navigate to the Enterprise section of the dashboard and select the My Apps option.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 1
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 1

    Step 2:

    Now select the Play for Work Apps section. Search for the Zebra OEM config in the search bar and click on the Approve tab.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 2
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 2

    Step 3:

    In the Approval preferences, select the keep approved option. This will pre-approve new permissions whenever launched and the devices will automatically have the latest version of the application.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 3
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 3

    Step 4:

    Now, this application will be available in the Play For Work directory of apps on your dashboard. It can now be installed, uninstalled, and configured on managed Zebra devices.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 4
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 4

    Step 5:

    Now, configure the Zebra OEM config app. Follow the publish button to get started and click on the Create button on the left sidebar under app configuration. Start by naming your configuration, in this case, we are naming it RC configuration.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 5
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 5

    Step 6:

    You will be provided with a bunch of settings that you configure to drive enhanced control on the managed Zebra devices. To enable remote control, scroll down to the Service Access Configuration settings and allow service binding action. Further, enter the service identifier as com.zebra.eventinjectionservice

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 6
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 6

    Step 7

    In the Service Caller Action select the Allow option and enter Allow Service Identifier as com.zebra.eventinjectionservice. In the Allow Caller Package enter com.promobitech.remotemirroring and in the Allow Caller signature enter the signature value available here.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 7
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 7

    Step 8

    Save the application configuration. It is now available for publishing on devices, device groups and device profiles. Once published Remote Control on Zebra devices is now available for devices managed with Scalefusion.

    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 8
    Scalefusion Dashboard- Image 8

    Closing lines…

    Scalefusion MDM is incremental in streamlining the operations of devices used by the field force. With OEM configuration-driven settings such as Remote Control, enterprises can make the most of the Zebra devices using Scalefusion.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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