
    Beyond Mobile: The Power of EMM for Holistic IT Management

    Keeping track of multiple devices is key, especially if you manage remote teams with a constant influx of smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Without any system, losing control of your device fleets is easy, putting corporate data stored at risk.

    Enterprise mobility management (EMM) takes the reins in managing these gadgets, ensuring they work seamlessly and securely in your organization. With EMM onboard, you can take control of device setups, enforce security measures, and streamline workflows, boosting productivity and fewer headaches.

    Power of EMM
    Maximizing EMM Potential for IT

    This blog shall discuss enterprise mobility management and how to leverage it to transform your device management strategies.

    What is EMM?

    EMM, or enterprise mobility management, is a set of tools, policies, and procedures designed to manage and secure mobile devices, applications, and content within an organization. But it’s not just limited to mobile devices like smartphones and tablets; EMM encompasses all types of endpoints, including laptops, desktops, wearables, and IoT devices. In simple terms, EMM acts as a centralized platform for overseeing and controlling all the devices employees use within a company.

    Key Components of EMM

    Enterprise mobility management (EMM) is a set of services and technologies designed to secure corporate data on employees’ mobile devices. It has evolved from simple mobile device management (MDM) to a more comprehensive suite that includes the following key components:

    Device Management

    EMM allows businesses to manage their devices remotely without needing physical access. This includes configuring settings, enforcing security policies, deploying applications, and troubleshooting issues. With EMM, IT administrators can ensure that all devices are up-to-date, compliant with company policies, and functioning smoothly, regardless of location.

    Application Management

    EMM streamlines the deployment, management, and security of applications across all devices. IT administrators can remotely push out new applications, update existing ones, and monitor usage to ensure compliance with licensing agreements and security policies. EMM helps businesses maintain consistency and efficiency across their device ecosystem by centralizing application management.


    Mobile devices pose distinctive security hurdles because they are portable, prone to loss or theft, and interact with various applications and networks. Alarmingly, a recent report[1] reveals that 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses.

    EMM provides a range of security features to protect against threats such as data breaches, malware, and unauthorized access. These features may include encryption, remote wipe (remotely erasing data from lost or stolen devices), passcode enforcement, app whitelisting/blacklisting, and secure containers for separating personal and business data.

    Content Management

    With reliable CMMS software, EMM enables businesses to securely distribute and manage content across all devices, such as documents, presentations, and files. This ensures employees have access to the information they need to be productive while maintaining control over how it is accessed and shared. 

    Content management features may include document encryption, access controls, versioning, and auditing capabilities.

    Why EMM Matters

    EMM matters for several reasons, especially as businesses extensively adopt mobile and remote work strategies. Here are the primary reasons why EMM is critical for modern enterprises:

    Increased Efficiency

    By centralizing device management tasks and automating routine processes, EMM helps businesses save time and resources. IT administrators can perform tasks more quickly and easily, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

    Enhanced Security

    According to research[2], 95% of security leaders express growing concern over phishing attacks conducted through private messaging apps. With the rise of mobile threats and data breaches, security is more important than ever. 

    Hence, EMM provides comprehensive security features to protect against various threats, helping businesses safeguard their sensitive data and intellectual property.

    Improved Productivity

    By ensuring employees have access to the right tools and information on their devices, EMM helps boost productivity and collaboration. Employees can work more efficiently in the office, on the go, or remotely.

    Cost Savings

    By streamlining device management and reducing the risk of security incidents, EMM can help businesses save money in the long run. The cost of implementing EMM is often outweighed by the potential savings from increased efficiency, reduced downtime, and lower security risks.

    Getting Started with EMM

    Businesses across various sectors have successfully leveraged EMM to address specific challenges, improve operational processes, and achieve their strategic objectives. 

    For instance, financial institutions have utilized EMM to strengthen security measures, protect sensitive financial data, and comply with industry regulations such as PCI-DSS. EMM solutions can be relied upon to secure mobile banking, enable remote access to financial systems, and enhance fraud detection capabilities.

    Additionally, manufacturing companies have adopted EMM to enhance workforce mobility. EMM solutions facilitate mobile access to production data and enable remote monitoring, increasing operational efficiency and cost savings.

    Implementing EMM may seem daunting initially, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help your business get started:

    Assess Your Needs

    Before diving into EMM implementation, take the time to assess your organization’s specific requirements and goals. Consider factors such as the number and types of devices you need to manage, your security and compliance requirements, and your budget constraints.

    Choose the Right Solution

    Many EMM solutions are available on the market, each with its own features and capabilities. Take the time to research and evaluate different options to find the one that best meets your needs.

    When choosing an EMM solution, pick one with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Make sure it simplifies device management tasks for IT administrators and provides a seamless experience for end-users. Consider solutions that offer self-service capabilities and automation features to streamline deployment and ongoing management processes.

    Plan Your Deployment

    Once you’ve chosen an EMM solution, develop a deployment plan that outlines the steps you’ll need to take to roll out the solution across your organization. This may include tasks such as enrolling devices, setting up remote control on Android devices, configuring settings, and training employees on how to use the new system.

    Train Your Team

    Proper training is essential to the success of any EMM implementation. Make sure your IT staff and end users are familiar with the new system and understand how to use it effectively. You can help your team members interact with your chosen EMM solution in a simulated environment by offering hands-on training sessions. 

    Practical exercises and demonstrations can reinforce learning and build confidence in using EMM tools effectively. A user-friendly EMM platform also ensures easier onboarding and helps improve overall productivity. 

    Monitor and Maintain

    EMM is not a one-time project; it requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure that it continues to meet your organization’s needs. Regularly review your EMM policies and settings, monitor device and application usage, and stay up-to-date on emerging security threats.

    Leveraging the Power of Scalefusion EMM Software

    Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) offers a comprehensive solution for managing and securing all types of devices and endpoints. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, adopting an EMM solution like Scalefusion can provide numerous benefits and help you stay ahead of the competition curve. 

    So why wait? Consider adopting Scalefusion for enterprise mobility management needs today. Schedule a demo with our experts. Sign up for a 14-day free trial

    1. OSIbeyond
    2. PR Newswire

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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