We are excited to announce that we have now introduced the App catalog feature for Android devices, including BYO (Bring your own) devices.
App Catalog for android device management or app library enables IT teams managing large and distributed device inventories to curate a list of applications that is made available on the enrolled android devices and can be installed whenever a use-case demands.
The major difference between pre-installed applications on managed devices and apps in App Catalog lies in the nature of their installation. While other work apps are made available on the devices via silent app installation, the applications in the App Catalog are simply made available on the devices ready for installation. The installation can be completed when the end-user initiates the same.
App Catalog is a repository of all the apps that the IT admins intend to publish on the devices- be it from Play Store or Enterprise Store (for native, private applications).
How does it work?
The App Catalog feature has to be enabled for the desired device profile on the Scalefusion dashboard. The devices enrolled under this profile will have App Catalog enabled. This App Catalog is displayed as a web clip on the device’s home screen.
Whenever the end-user clicks on the web clip for the App Catalog, a list of applications available for publishing is displayed. End-users can complete the installation of these published apps by clicking on the button displayed next to the application.
Currently, the App Catalog is available for both company-owned (COD) and employee-owned (BYOD) Android and iOS devices enrolled on Scalefusion MDM. You can read more about this feature here.