
    Top 10 Android MDM Features Powering Businesses in 2024

    Digital transformation of workspaces has led to a drastic metamorphosis, virtually dissolving the need for having a physical office in the first place. As businesses embrace mobility, Android seems to be the most natural, convenient and affordable choice to get started with. And to manage these Android devices arises the need to have an Android MDM. With the wide range of Android MDM options available in the market, it can be certainly overwhelming to get started.

    To break it down for small businesses or any business that wants to get started with an Android Mobile Device Management solution, we’ve listed the top 10 must-have MDM features you need. The obvious features such as security, device locking and unlocking are non-negotiable, but this list goes beyond the general ones and encompasses the features that you don’t think you need, but you really do!

    Android MDM Features
    Top 10 must-have Android MDM features

    Here’re the best 10 features of Android MDM that will boost productivity for your business

    1. Over-the-air deployment

    Over-the-air deployment is a crucial feature for any MDM solution, particularly for optimizing IT team productivity. It enables streamlined policy application without physical device handling. Android Zero-touch facilitates over-the-air deployment, empowering IT teams to enforce policies on devices regardless of location, minimizing hassle.

    2. Bulk policy application with groups

    Bulk policy application with groups is a critical feature of mobile device management (MDM) solutions. Alongside policy application, having group or bulk policy application capabilities is essential. IT admins can push policies or policy changes to multiple devices at once using group policy applications. Creating device groups, subgroups, and user groups and subgroups allows for reflecting policy changes across several devices simultaneously.

    3. Comprehensive Application management

    Application management is one of the most important and basic offerings of Android Device Management which includes remote app publishing on enrolled devices. But the application management mentioned here goes well beyond the basic and covers installation, configuration, updates and uninstallation of not just apps available on the Google Play Store but also PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) and private enterprise applications. 

    4. Kiosk Mode

    Ideal for the deployment of user-facing devices or digital signage, the kiosk mode of MDM helps businesses in retail, hospitality and frontline services to optimize the full potential of mobility. The kiosk mode can help push the devices into a single or multi-app mode, blocking the rest. There are no distractions and loopholes to employee efficiency; kiosk mode ensures device misuse is kept at bay.

    5. Browser lockdown

    Similar to kiosk mode, the browser lockdown feature is a vital aspect of MDM security, allowing businesses to lock their devices to a browser app. Furthermore, the browser lockdown mode empowers IT teams to leverage settings such as allowed websites, URLs, browser privacy, history, and profanity settings. Configuring the browser comprehensively involves blocking javascript, ads, and popups, ensuring businesses can offer a seamless browsing experience to their users—be it customers or employees

    6. Geofencing

    Real-time device location tracking for devices operating out in the fields or at multiple locations is essential but can be achieved via several location tracking apps and methodologies. However, geofencing is a must-have Android MDM feature in addition to real-time location tracking. Geofencing & Location Tracking involves applying virtual boundaries to physical locations, and every time a device enters or exits a geofence, an alert triggered can be incremental in facilitating IT productivity. 

    MDM Features
    Image Source

    7. Remote troubleshooting

    A key element of running any business smoothly for desirable outputs is maintaining all the moving parts- employee satisfaction, customer relations, or devices. Remote troubleshooting is imperative, especially in the era of hyper-remote working and increased field operations.

    The chosen Android Mobile Device Management solution must offer extensive remote troubleshooting capabilities to ensure that devices are up and running all the time, the device downtime is low, and the troubleshooting cost is minimum.

    Features such as remote device mirroring, remote device control, and integrated ticketing can help curb the troubleshooting costs incurred by conventional troubleshooting methods with a physical service center. 

    8. File sync

    Two-way file sharing is a critical must-have for any Android Mobile Device Management (MDM), be it for any business type. While file-sharing can now happen in multiple ways- right from over a messenger or an email, ensuring file sync between the device and the IT dashboard without user intervention is critical, especially for unattended devices.

    The file sync feature enables IT admins to push or retrieve files to and from a remote device. The file location can also be customized, and the files can be executed or deleted, making remote device operation as easy as it can get.

    9. Remote OS updates

    From the software side, one important element of device maintenance is to keep the device OSs running to the latest version. Automating device OS updates is good, but it is also necessary to test the app and devices’ behaviour before a massive OS update roll-out across the inventory.

    Automating, scheduling and delaying device OS updates or versioning back if needed, is a must-have feature.

    Update OS remotely
    Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

    10. Task Automation 

    In large or small businesses, the IT teams have several responsibilities, including security, management and compliance maintenance. To ensure there is no room for error, automating IT processes can lighten the burden of IT teams and ensure a steady workflow. Automating recurring tasks undertaken by the IT teams, such as device rebooting, resetting and triggering alerts for battery, data, storage usage, and security compliance, is an Android MDM add-on that your IT team will be thankful for! 

    Bonus: Remote communication

    We could have stopped the list at 10 but why would we, when we know that there is one more crucial feature that is not necessarily considered a part of Android Mobile Device Management, but we recommend it should be! A remote communication tool that works in sync with your Android MDM can be great for keeping the flow of communication and collaboration consistent across multiple stakeholders of your business, securing business information exchange, driving team productivity and also saving data costs.

    Closing lines…

    With the heavy proliferation of Android devices into business, to manage or not to manage is not really a question. How better you do it with the right Android MDM in your tow is the deciding factor of the success or failure of your mobility exercise.


    1. What is MDM Software? 

    An MDM solution, also known as Mobile Device Management software, is a tool that allows IT administrators to monitor, manage, and secure mobile devices used within a business. This includes devices running Android, iOS, and other operating systems.

    2. What does MDM do?

    MDM helps businesses secure and manage their MDM devices, like smartphones and tablets. This includes tasks like enforcing security policies, managing apps, and remotely wiping lost devices.

    3. How can an MDM tool help improve security for my business’s MDM devices?

    MDM tools act as security guardians for your business devices. They enforce strong passwords, manage app permissions, and remotely wipe lost devices. This multi-layered approach minimizes data breaches and keeps your company information safe.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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