
    Why Choose Windows-Based Retail POS Systems?

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    The retail industry is no longer operating on the conventional background, where in-house salespersons are the only way for customers to find and reach their desired product. The digital wave has transformed retail operations- from inventory management, and billing to offering a personalized shopping experience. 

    Windows Based Retail POS Systems
    Windows Based Retail POS Systems

    A POS or point of sale device is rapidly gaining popularity to offer customers a digital browsing experience, the ability to find and order products in different sizes or colors, and seamlessly complete the billing process. 

    But when it comes to choosing a POS machine, the options are overwhelming, especially for retailers who do not have prior experience in digital devices or the bandwidth required to provision, secure, and manage those devices. And this is where Windows POS systems shine through.

    Let us discuss the top points that push Windows 10-based POS up in the list of best POS devices.

    Robust Performance

    Windows 10 devices that are deployed as POS machines with POS software running on them are going to have to be robust and reliable, not failing during the session. As a retailer, you do not want your customers to have a frustrating experience where the POS doesn’t perform or has several hiccups in the operation 

    Windows 10 devices have large, vibrant displays, come with stable updates, and are low maintenance, so retailers can invest in a Windows POS machine and software combination and rest assured about the consistency of performance, with minimum downtimes. The frequent security patches and updates for Windows 10 devices further help in ensuring stability and reliability. 

    User-friendly Devices

    The POS machines are used either by the in-store staff or the customers, for self-billing and shopping. These two user groups might or might not have the technical expertise to navigate through an unfamiliar OS with complexity.  

    Making use of a Windows POS machine can ensure that the users can easily access and navigate through the POS software, make use of identifiable icons, and leverage the user-friendly UX of Windows which is easy to adapt and use. 

    Read More: Top Windows 10 POS Software for Billing

    More Secure

    Windows enterprise security is highly acclaimed and this is essential, especially for small and medium-sized retail businesses that do not have an IT/security infrastructure at the beck and call. Windows 10-based POS machines can be secured in their entirety, along with customer shopping, and billing data, thanks to the Windows security provisioning including firewall, digital identity certificates, mail extensions, and encryption using BitLocker. 

    Further managing the device and data security with a Windows POS MDM can accentuate the security settings and make it foolproof against any attack. 

    Available in Multiple Languages

    Retail businesses across the globe are now looking to go the POS way, especially in the era of social distancing where human contact needs to be minimized and POS machines can help do exactly that. Windows 10 devices have multilingual support, which means that not just the retail staff but also customers from any geographical location can use the device without the hurdle of the language. 

    Training the staff on the usage also becomes easy because the language barrier is eliminated, and the staff will require less on-floor assistance and can speedily catch up with the transactions and operations done via Windows POS.


    Going the digital way, investing in a device inventory, POS software, and an MDM for POS management can be overwhelming cost-wise, especially for small and midsize retailers. Windows 10 devices- be it standalone displays running on the Windows 10 OS or full-fledged laptops/desktops that can double up as POS machines are affordable and offer great value for money.

    Closing lines…

    As the number of POS machines in retail stores goes up, the question of how to choose the best POS is evident. But with these pointers, retail business owners can make an informed choice and choose the Windows POS machines without a blink of an eye!

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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