
    Why Do Your Frontline Executives Need a Secure Team Communication Software?

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    Why Do Your Frontline Executives Need a Secure Team Communication Software?
    Secure Team Communication for Frontline Workers

    Most companies across sectors like retail, manufacturing, logistics, food delivery, hospitality, healthcare, construction, mining, agriculture and many more, employ frontline executives. This deskless workforce operates on-the-move from remote locations to deliver results and propel business success at various levels. Whereas knowledge or desk-based professionals feel no dearth of workplace technologies, frontline executives don’t have nearly enough. Especially, when it comes to leveraging a well-designed team communication software that drives a dependable communication process.

    Imagine a situation when your fleet driver is required to deliver an urgent consignment to a specific location at 6am on a Sunday and the manager has sent an email about the same at around 11pm Saturday. Now, what if the driver forgets to check the email late at night or what if the email doesn’t get delivered due to some network hitch? This communication gap or delay will not only lead to chaos, confusion and displeasure but will also lead to loss of business.

    Challenges due to the lack of secure and well-planned team communication app

    Your frontline professionals are the ones who take care of your business framework on the external front. They represent your company to your existing and prospective customers, partners, vendors and sometimes even the investors. An ill-managed team communication system can disrupt business in multiple ways like delayed or flawed service delivery, inaccurate or inadequate information exchange, flawed team engagement, inapt decision-making leading to loss of customers/business.

    Lack of team engagement and collaboration

    Haphazardly emailed business information sent a night before to the frontline executive team or last-minute tele-conversations without sufficient references can cause more confusion than clarity. Without a dependable employee notification system, your frontline executives will end up being more stressed with less time to organize their work or day and little option to acquire on-time work information from the right source to make informed decisions on-the-go. As a result, they fail to engage the right people to make the right decision on time. 

    Inaccessibility of important information

    In most companies, frontline executives are still expected to work around the obstacles they confront, and the absence of a seamless and secure team communication software makes the conditions even worse. Their profession demands them to be proactive, punctual and efficient, and this is not possible if they have limited or delayed access to necessary work-related information available through a mobile handset.


    Deterioration of customer experience

    Untimely and delayed communication and collaboration between teams and managers hugely hinder the productivity and performance of the frontline executives, which leaves them feeling demotivated and unimportant. At the same time, it ruins customer experience too who are kept waiting while the executive hunts for accurate information. 

    Use of unapproved apps

    Now, in order to stay well-informed and in the absence of a team communication app, your frontline executives end up using unapproved/public messaging apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Skype amongst other unprotected platforms that put sensitive corporate information at risks like data security breach and cyber-attacks. You may consider exploring how to create WhatsApp surveys, providing a secure and tailored communication solution for your team. These public messaging apps often violate industry compliance regulations and can also make the company lose its license or fail a security audit. On top of that, public/open messaging apps are distracting and are sometimes uncontrollably used by the executives leading to heavy data costs for the company to bear.

    Your frontline executives need an instant and secure messaging platform

    It is imperative for the frontline employees to stay up-to-date with the latest and accurate information related to their work, which will be instantly available on their handheld devices. And nothing works better than a secure and company-controlled instant messaging app that boosts real-time team communication, drives effective collaboration and executive engagement while promoting teamwork and confidence within your frontline professionals. In fact, a secure and instant team messaging app or platform will mitigate all the above-mentioned challenges and will suitably enhance frontline productivity and overall business operations. Scalefusion’s NuovoTeam Communication Suite is a perfect answer to all your queries when it comes to offering a secure and streamlined team communication app to your frontline executives. Look at the following benefits it provides.

    • Instant two-way chat: NuovoTeam allows your frontline executives working from different locations and time-zones to exchange messages with each other, the IT admin and the managers. It is the same as two-way chatting through WhatsApp, except that it happens over a secure and controlled environment.
    • Audio calls over VoIP: It allows for a seamless and secure calling arrangement between team members from the same group or device profile. The VoIP calls can be initiated by the executives as well as by the company IT admins to share urgent or immediate information necessary for timely action.
    • SIM-based conference calls: NuovoTeam allows the field executives to initiate a conference call with the team members or participate in one to effectively discuss and resolve issues in real-time that require team opinions and multiple insights.
    • Contact and call management: NuovoTeam allows the IT admin to create and publish a contact list of required team members/admins/managers that the frontline executive can readily use to make on-time calls. It also enables the IT admin to disable/enable an outgoing/incoming call to a particular device.
    • Group-chat within the team: NuovoTeam Communication Suite comes with the functionality of group-chat that allows the members of the same team to chat amongst themselves and discuss important matters related to work. It can also be used to convey the same message to everyone in the group in real-time.
    • Image and voice message sharing: It allows executives to share relevant images as well as voice messages amongst team members within the two-way chat functionality for better and instant collaboration, engagement and work analysis.
    • File transfer: NuovoTeam also allows the frontline executives as well as the IT admin to share/transfer files to team or device groups. They can use file transfer within the chat functionality, which enables them to share crucial corporate data in real-time for improved work operations and faster issue resolution in real-time.
    • Secure team communication: Most importantly, Scalefusion’s NuovoTeam helps the company drive and secure communication across the team using a powerful team communication app as it comes with certain crucial security measures like disabling screenshot capture, email encryption and prevention of showing content during recent app view.

    Also Read: How to support effective team communication between your field force

    Apart from these enabling features, NuovoTeam Communication Suite also allows the IT admin to be notified with alerts, updates and nudges in real-time regarding any device or security breach concerns, device-related updates and other compliance violation issues. This helps IT admin to take timely and relevant action against any unauthorized device activity. Streamlining and securing team communication by using a secure app amongst your frontline executive could never get better than this. The features and functionalities of NuovoTeam are built keeping in mind the top challenges and obstacles of secure team communication, real-time collaboration and relevant team engagement within a controlled environment.

    Learn more to gain an in-depth understanding of how NuovoTeam Communication Suite works in an organization.

    Sonali Datta
    Sonali Datta
    Sonali has an extensive experience in content writing, marketing, and strategy and she has worked with companies where she was involved in the 360-degree content production and editing. An avid reader and animal lover, she loves to cook, take care of her plants and travel.

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