
    How to Choose the Right POS Manager for Restaurants

    From the neighborhood gourmet food trucks to the stellar chef’s tasting menus, the love for food and gastronomic adventures is now truly global. But there’s a lot going on behind the scenes in restaurants, food trucks, cafes, or any such places. 

    Restaurant operations are key to their success like any other business. These operations must leverage the best POS systems for restaurants, along with a powerful POS device management solution. If you’re in the restaurant business, choosing the right POS manager can be puzzling.

    Right POS Manager for Restaurants
    POS Device Management for Restaurants

    Whether you have just started off or are an established restaurant brand or franchise, it’s high time to invest in POS management software. In this blog, we’ll delve into the nuances of choosing the right POS device manager.

    Understanding the Crucial Role of POS Management

    The integration of Mobile Device Management (MDM) into POS systems emerges as a pivotal element for ensuring robust security, operational efficiency, and adaptability to future needs. It can then be collectively called POS management software. POS management software stands as the backbone of restaurant operations. Beyond facilitating transactions, it oversees inventory management and provides invaluable insights for strategic decision-making. 

    The Dynamic World of Restaurant Technology

    A profound digital transformation is sweeping through the restaurant business, with technology becoming a driving force behind improved customer experiences and streamlined internal processes. As restaurants increasingly rely on POS devices for order processing, payment transactions, and inventory management, the imperative for a robust POS management solution becomes evident.

    Tips for Choosing a Restaurant POS Manager: The IT Standpoint

    1. Security and Compliance

    a. Data Security

    Data stored in POS devices is gold for restaurants. An astounding number of restaurants leverage POS device data. In fact, 71%1 of restaurants use POS data for streamlined payments, optimized menus, digital engagements, personalization, loyalty programs, upselling, and discounts. It underscores the importance of POS device data, and therefore, restaurants must ensure this data remains protected at all levels. 

    Opt for a POS management solution that offers comprehensive device and data protection features. Evaluate the encryption standards employed by the POS device management solution. End-to-end encryption ensures sensitive data remains secure throughout the entire transaction lifecycle. In addition, during the unfortunate event of theft or loss, the POS device manager must be able to lock a POS device and wipe its data remotely. Remote lock and wipe ensures the POS data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

    b. Compliance Protocols

    Delve into the specifics of how the POS manager adheres to industry-specific compliance regulations. Ensure the chosen solution complements the protocols, providing a comprehensive shield against potential regulatory pitfalls. 

    2. Scalability and Flexibility

    a. Cloud Integration

    Consider POS managers that seamlessly integrate with cloud platforms. Cloud integration enhances scalability by providing on-demand resources, allowing the system to adapt to varying transaction volumes and data storage needs effortlessly.

    b. Modular Architecture

    Opt for POS device management solutions with a modular architecture, allowing for easy integration of new features and functionalities. The compatibility of the POS software (like Square, Toast, etc.) should extend to these modular components, ensuring the entire POS ecosystem can scale cohesively. 

    3. UI and Onboarding

    a. Customization Options

    Assess the level of customization offered by the POS management software. Customizable interfaces empower IT administrators to tailor the system according to the unique needs and preferences of the restaurant staff. Don’t ignore the branding scope, as it’s a critical element for any restaurant. 

    b. Training and Onboarding

    Look for POS managers that provide comprehensive training and onboarding. A user-friendly interface coupled with training resources ensures a smoother transition for staff, minimizing disruptions in daily operations. Avoid choosing a POS management solution that has a steep learning curve. 

    4. Remote Management Capabilities

    a. Real-time Monitoring

    Prioritize POS device management solutions that offer real-time monitoring capabilities. IT administrators should be able to monitor the performance of POS devices, identify issues, and initiate timely interventions to maintain optimal operational efficiency.

    b. Location Tracking and Geofencing

    It’s important for restaurants to look for location tracking and geofencing features in POS device management software. These features ensure the security of POS terminals and enable restaurants to keep a close eye on the whereabouts of the POS terminals. They also allow administrators to track the physical location of devices, preventing unauthorized usage or potential theft.

    c. Remote Troubleshooting

    You don’t want a POS device to go awry in the middle of peak restaurant hours. It can hamper operations and customer experience. Therefore, look for a POS device management solution with remote troubleshooting as a key capability. In case of issues, admins would be able to offer remote support and troubleshoot POS devices from a centralized location without a physical presence. Hence, time and money spent on on-site visits can be saved, and POS devices will have minimal downtime. 

    5. API and IAM

    a. API Compatibility

    Ensure that the POS manager offers robust Application Programming Interface (API) compatibility. Seamless integration with existing systems such as inventory management, accounting, and CRM systems is crucial for creating a unified and efficient operational ecosystem in restaurants.

    b. Identity & Access Management

    Many restaurants have their staff sharing POS devices in shifts. Thus, it’s necessary that the right personnel access the right POS device at all times. This could be a decisive factor as not many restaurant POS managers offer identity and access management (IAM) as an in-built feature. IAM ensures there’s zero probability of any unauthorized access to POS devices and the data they contain. 

    Scalefusion OneIdP

    6. Reporting and Device Inventory

    a. Customizable Reports

    Prioritize POS solutions that offer customizable reporting features. MDM integration should enable administrators to tailor reports to specific business KPIs, providing actionable insights aligned with the restaurant’s strategic objectives.

    b. POS Device Inventory

    Restaurants must be able to stay on top of their POS device fleet, especially those serving multiple locations. One of the foundational aspects of it is creating a device inventory. Inventoried POS devices lead to a more seamless management experience for restaurants. A POS device inventory can be categorized as per restaurant needs, including OS type, venue, usage, or transaction type. Choosing a POS manager that offers extensive device inventory capabilities is extremely important.

    7. Reliability and Support

    a. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Review the SLAs provided by the POS device management provider. Clear SLAs ensure service expectations, including uptime guarantees and support response times, are well-defined and met consistently.

    b. Continuous Training Programs

    Engage with POS management vendors that offer continuous training programs for IT administrators and restaurant staff. Staying abreast of system updates and best practices ensures administrators can effectively leverage the full potential of the integrated solution.

    Explore everything about Sunmi POS Device Management

    Manage Your POS Devices Using Scalefusion

    In the restaurant management environs, the choice of a POS manager is a strategic decision with far-reaching implications. Approaching this decision with an MDM perspective empowers restaurants and their IT administrators to navigate the complexities with confidence. 

    A well-chosen POS device management solution like Scalefusion streamlines current operations and positions the restaurant for sustained growth in the hyper-competitive F&B industry. As restaurants keep pace with digital transformation, a POS device manager will be an absolutely essential element of their armory.

    Schedule a demo with our experts to check out how Scalefusion can help transform POS device management for restaurants. Whet your appetite with a 14-day free trial today!


    1. Hospitality Technology

    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan is a Senior Content Editor at Scalefusion who is an enthusiast of all things tech and loves culinary and musical expeditions. With more than a decade of experience, he believes in delivering consummate, insightful content to readers.

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