About Client:
The client is a global manufacturer and retailer of cosmetics, known worldwide for changing the face, body, and soul of the cosmetics industry. The client operates in over 50 countries and puts its belief in inventing, manufacturing, and selling its products directly to its customers through its own stores.
All of the client’s products are handmade, one of the prime reasons for their rapid growth, and we at Scalefusion were more than happy to assist them when they wanted to implement a Mobile device management solution in their business.

Management, Communication and Regulation at Scalefusion we have always found these virtues at the core of our skillset, and in one way or the other have adhered to these values in any and every type of service that we roll out. And so, when the client approached us to find a solution to their Android Device and Mobile Application Management challenges, we took it upon ourselves to meet every challenge head-on and help them in achieving their business goals.
With the ultimate goal of increasing digital fluency, we started a mobility initiative that helped the client in deploying their in-house mobile apps to their employees and associates corporate-owned devices to make them more efficient, engaging, and productive. However, we had to address more problems than one due to the diverse mix of managed and unmanaged corporate-owned mobile devices that thousands of client’s globally dispersed employees were using. A solution to distribute apps to all employees who are using the corporate-owned device, and provide a consistent experience that gets mobile apps in the hands of users in a seamless, easy-to-use way; was the need of the hour.
Enter Scalefusion, a multi-faceted offering that helped the client to control and manage its corporate-owned devices through a cloud-based dashboard. Not only did it enable them to remotely distribute apps and content to the devices from a central location, but Scalefusion’s single & multi-app kiosk modes also helped the company in meeting various other challenges. The client used the Scalefusion Enterprise store to manage and distribute their custom apps along with Scalefusion’s device profile and grouping feature to group their devices and apply specific settings to them.
Whilst, the single app mode helped in running only the Point of Sale (POS) apps for use in stores; the multi-app kiosk mode helped in accessing custom store management applications; which enabled the client to control various aspects of the user experience and prevent unauthorized actions on the devices. Also, the use of the Scalefusion Enterprise Store helps the company to roll out updates for its application in a much faster and smoother manner.
This comprehensive approach of Scalefusion benefitted the client in overcoming a bunch of other Mobile Application Management complications:
1. Through the Scalefusion Enterprise Store, the new releases of their in-house apps can be remotely installed on all of their devices from the dashboard and don’t need the availability of respective devices for a manual update. This not only saves on a lot of costs but also the herculean to-and-fro process that comes with it.
2. The version control feature of the Scalefusion Enterprise Store enabled the client to roll back the app to the previous version if there are any issues with the new/updated app, helped them in maintaining business continuity.
3. Being a major conglomerate, the client had its offshoots across the globe, and dealing with diversity was coming off as a hectic process. This is where Scalefusion Pro came to the fore with its cloud-based Device Management Dashboard which helped the client to easily enroll, control, and manage all their devices. This also negated the mandate of bringing the devices back to a single warehouse.
4. Scalefusion understands the gravitas of a strong security interface, ergo it records any incidents in the security log files when someone forcefully tries to swap SIM card or exit from the company-owned devices. This helped the client in keeping a strong check on safety and reliability.
Scalefusion proved to be a great value addition to the ranks whilst regulating the Mobile Application Management process of the company, thereby saving unauthorized usage, time, and money.