
    What’s New at Scalefusion: Windows MDM Updates for May 2023

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    At Scalefusion, we are committed to continuous improvement and innovation, driven by our passion for providing solutions that make the day-to-day tasks of IT teams as effortless as possible. The evolving needs of our users are at the core of our offering, and delivering impactful updates that transform their experience while using our platform is our motto.

    windows mdm updates

    We are hence excited to announce brand new updates to Scalefusion Windows MDM. 

    Let us dive in to explore what’s new for Scalefusion for Windows in May 2023:

    App Catalog

    A much-coveted feature that elevates the application management experience on Windows devices, Windows App Catalog helps IT administrators in third-party app curation and provisioning. IT admins can now search and discover the latest versions of 500 plus well-known third-party apps, add them to the App Catalog and install them directly from the Scalefusion dashboard.

    IT admins can also choose which version to install and can also choose to auto-update these apps, cutting down on their patch management monitoring overheads.

    Read more about What is Windows App Catalog? How Does it Help?

    Lost Mode

    IT administrators can now mark a Windows device as lost on the Scalefusion dashboard using the Lost Mode. On the device, a custom message along with relevant details, such as an emergency contact number, can be displayed on full screen while blocking access to the device as a security measure.

    Additionally, IT teams can configure the lost mode message as a lock/policy message that appears before the login window, which helps in notifying before anybody can attempt to login to the device.

    Read more about Windows Lost Mode on Scalefusion

    We understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing Windows desktop management landscape. We have been investing significant time and resources in developing new features for Windows MDM to ensure it meets the evolving demands of device management. 

    We would appreciate your feedback on this release. As we continue to innovate, we remain committed to providing solutions that drive IT productivity. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! 

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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