
    Introducing Remote Control for Windows 10

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    We are excited to announce the support for the ‘Remote Control’ feature for Windows 10 devices. Using this feature, IT teams can now expedite issue resolution of remote Windows 10 desktops and laptops. Especially in the era of remote working, this feature comes in handy for upkeeping devices operating remotely, outside of the corporate perimeter.

    Remote Control for Windows 10

    Streamline Troubleshooting for Windows 10 devices

    When employees work remotely, device issues not only hamper employee productivity but also are frustrating for the IT teams, to resolve over the air. To ensure business continuity, IT teams are burdened with several tasks, troubleshooting device issues is a prime one. More often than not, the employees/end-users are not able to explain the issue they are facing and hence the conventional support ticketing process does not work.

    Administering the device issues first-hand is critical to rapidly fix the device issue and reduce downtime. When the employees work out of several locations or are assigned at frontline positions, extending physical assistance for administering the device issue is a latent and costly process. There needs to be a better way to resolve device issues remotely and Scalefusion Remote Support steps in to do just that.

    How does it work?

    • Whenever a device runs into an error, the IT admin can initiate a remote cast session from the Scalefusion dashboard.
    • The IT admin accesses the remote control feature on the dashboard and mirrors device screen on their dashboard.
    • IT admin takes control of the Windows 10 device screens, can navigate within apps and perform actions.
    • IT admin can troubleshoot the issue, gain a better understanding of the issue and apply further fixes.
    • IT admin can also take screenshots and screen recordings to create context-aware support tickets on the integrated ITSM platform.

    Scalefusion Remote Support eliminates the need for having a third-party tool for remote control for speeding up remote troubleshooting on Windows 10 devices.

    This feature is available for managed Windows 10 devices with minimum version 1809 or above. The remote control feature should be enabled on the dashboard and the device should have the Remote Support app along with an active internet connection.

    Scalefusion also offers Remote Cast feature for iOS and Android, and Remote Control feature for select Android OEMs. Now with Remote Control for Windows 10, rapid troubleshooting for the entire enterprise inventory is easy.

    Get started on Remote Troubleshooting Windows 10 devices with Scalefusion Remote Control. Refer to our help document to know more!

    Get started on Remote Troubleshooting Windows 10 devices with Scalefusion Remote Control. Refer to our help document to know more!

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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