
    Introducing OEM Configuration in Device Profile Section on Scalefusion Dashboard

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    At Scalefusion, we are committed to providing the best-in-class experience for our OEM partners and their customers. To take it to the next level, we are excited to announce OEM Configuration capability right within the device profile section of the Scalefusion dashboard.

    OEM Configuration
    OEM Configuration

    Previously, if an IT administrator wanted to add a particular OEM Configuration to a device profile, they would have had to do so via the App Management section. The chosen OEM Config would have to be searched in the list of available Play for Work Apps and added to the App inventory on the Scalefusion dashboard, and then be selected and pushed while configuring a particular device profile. 

    With this release, IT teams can directly choose the OEM Config while creating device settings in the profile section.

    Changes on the dashboard:

    1. IT admins can now find the OEM Configs within the device profile section. They can directly add the OEM config application to the device profile and push the settings together on the devices.

    The list of available OEM configurations include:

    • Zebra OEMConfig powered by MX
    • Knox Service Plugin/ KSP
    • Lenovo OEM Config
    • Honeywell UEM Connect
    • OEMConfig for Nokia
    • Datalogic OEM Config

    2. IT admins can also view the status of the chosen OEM configuration(s) that have been via the device profile. The statuses can be filtered based on the Configuration package name, the status of publishing (Published, Installed, Install Pending, Install Failed, Uninstalled) and the devices that are offline.

    3. Additional activities that can be performed with the OEM config status report include: reset, download CSV file, search, re-publish OEM config, Sync Status and Sync Config Status.

    You can read more about this release here.

    Please note that the feedback notifications for OEM Config are in the Beta stage, and some of the reports that you obtain might not be accurate at this time. 

    Stay tuned as we plan to add more features for OEM Configs shortly.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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