
    How to Enroll BYO Android Devices on Scalefusion MDM?

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    enroll byo devices on MDM
    Enroll BYO Android devices

    Bring your own device trend seen an enormous surge in popularity with the modern workforce. With millennials occupying more and more share of the modern workforce, BYOD trend will continue to grow. Employees using personal devices for work is an excellent way to offer flexibility while ensuring productivity. Employees can work from anywhere, anytime, and can have access to the latest business resources on their devices, giving them flexibility without hampering efficiency.

    The largest concerns that are brought forth by BYOD is to secure the critical business data on the host of employee-owned devices. The employee devices are loaded with applications and have access to websites that can possess as a threat to the vulnerable business data lying on the devices. Hence, securing the BYO devices and establishing stringent policies for BYOD can make this system robust enough for company benefits. All this, while ensuring that employee data and privacy are not compromised.

    Scalefusion mobile device management aids IT teams across organizations to drive a successful BYOD program. Administrators can deploy business resources and apps on employee-owned Android, iOS and macOS devices with Scalefusion MDM solution for android.

    Scalefusion’s intuitive dashboard ensures simplified enrollment of these devices, irrespective of the device location.

    Here’s how to enroll BYO Android devices on Scalefusion MDM.

    1. Create a profile for BYOD devices. For this, navigate to the Device Management section on the dashboard and click on Device Profiles.
    How to Enroll BYO Android Devices on Scalefusion MDM?

    2. Click on Create new profile. Add profile name, choose Android and Profile Mode as Personal (BYOD). Click on Submit to start creating the profile.

    Enroll BYO Android Devices

    3. Select Apps that you want to publish on the BYO device. Toggle on the slider to allow or disallow apps. Proceed by clicking on next.

    byod enrollment

    4. Choose Browser shortcuts. These shortcuts will appear on the homescreen of the device and users can easily access the websites through the shortcut. Click on Next to proceed.

    BYOD enrollment

    5. Configure restrictions and security settings. Note that these settings will be only applicable to the work container and will not affect the overall device settings.

    byod Android enrollment

    6. Now, let us have a look at creating QR code configuration. Navigate to Device and User Enrollment section of the dashboard. Click on Create configuration to create a new configuration for devices.

    Enroll BYO Android Devices

    7. Choose a name for the device. Select BYOD configuration. You can also add a prefix or a suffix to the configuration name. Click on next to proceed.

    Enroll BYOD Android Devices

    8. Now, select the Android device profile created in step no. 6. Click on Next to proceed.

    How to Enroll BYO Android Devices

    9. You can now start inviting users to the configuration. You can create a custom invite email or continue with the existing template offered by Scalefusion.

    Scalefusion qr code

    10. Next, start selecting users that you want to invite to the BYOD program. You can choose from the users previously added to Scalefusion dashboard or you can also invite users.

    Enrollment BYO Android

    Once the user is invited, the tasks on the dashboard side are completed. The set up has to now be completed on the employee device.

    11. The user receives the invitation of BYOD configuration on the email.

    Scalefusion qr code

    12. Following the steps mentioned in the email, the user has to install Scalefusion app from the Play Store.

    Scalefusion qr code

    13. Once the app installs, click on the enroll button.

    14. Select the personal device option and choose QR code enrollment method. Scan the QR code on the device using the device camera and your profile setup will be initiated.

    For Android devices without a camera, users can choose the Sign up using the email option to continue the setup.

    15. The user will be now provided with the Terms of Use decided by the company. User can read through the document and agree to the terms of use.

    16. Now, the user has to enter the OTP that is received on the same email id. Once the OTP is entered, the profile installation is verified.

    17. Now, users can proceed to install the work profile on the BYO device.

    18. User has to approve the profile installation and set up.

    19. The device is now ready to use. The apps allowed by admin are denoted by the briefcase symbol on the device.

    20. Admins can monitor the BYO device status on the dashboard.

    21. If the device needs to be removed from the existing device profiles, admins can do the same from the dashboard.

    22. The device can also be removed from Scalefusion MDM through the dashboard. By clicking on the delete device option, admins can remove the BYO configuration from the employee device. In such cases, the entire corporate data and apps in the work container will be wiped off remotely. The personal data on the device will be secure.

    The processes of Android BYO device enrollment, policy application, resource distribution and device deletion are streamlined with Scalefusion. Enroll employee-owned Android phones and tablets on Scalefusion in a few simple steps.

    Try 14-day free trial today!


    1. What is Android BYOD?

    Android BYOD refers to the practice of employees using their personal Android devices for work purposes within an organization. This setup allows for flexibility and convenience but requires robust management to ensure security and compliance.

    2. How does MDM work with BYOD?

    MDM works with BYOD through a process called BYOD enrollment. This involves users voluntarily enrolling their personal devices into the organization’s MDM solution. Through this process, MDM can apply security policies, configure settings, and manage applications on these devices, ensuring compliance with company standards while respecting user privacy.

    3. What is device enrollment?

    Device enrollment refers to the process of registering and configuring devices, typically within an organization’s network, to enable centralized management and security measures. This includes setting up user accounts, applying security policies, and installing necessary software. Additionally, organizations may implement BYOD enrollment programs, allowing employees to register their personal devices for work use while maintaining security through MDM solutions.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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