
    Feature Round-Up from Scalefusion!

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    We consistently value inputs and feedbacks from our clients as it helps us in enhancing our product, making it more and more helpful to enterprises to implement mobility.

    This time too, we’re happy to share with you the following new updates and improvements!

    Know the device status in one glance!

    In location tracking of your registered devices, you can now see the name of the respective device, timings in 24hr clock format and most importantly its status in multiple colour code. That is, if the device is inactive, it will be seen as grey, if it is locked, it will be seen as green and unlocked as red. This makes it easy to differentiate the status of different devices in one glance.

    To add to the ease of remotely managing mobile devices and staying updated about their whereabouts, you can now copy or clone any of the existing Geofences for one device to the other devices. This makes admin task much easier saving time and efforts in creating a new Geo-fence every time.

    Does your company use SONY devices?

    If yes, then we have the solution for you now!

    As you know that, Scalefusion has SONY SDK integrated, you can now install/uninstall/update your necessary Apps, silently into your SONY devices, without the need of any manual intervention. To get a quick demo, feel  free to reach us out at [email protected]

    Going further……

    Our latest release of Scalefusion is not limited to only these big inclusions but also various browser and dashboard features which will simply amaze you with their utility! Let’s go down the list to know what are they….

    • Get Scalefusion browser cache cleared at regular intervals by setting a time duration. Definitely helpful if you are worried about a lot cache piling up there from your site.
    • If you don’t want your employees to explore the print option in the Scalefusion Browser, you can simply hide it now! Or if you need them to use print option then you can again enable it anytime from the dashboard…
    • Now, the admin can remotely refresh devices from the dashboard for any changes made and to reflect them immediately. The admin does not need to be with the device saving downtime for updating the device at the office location.
    • Whenever there is a requirement of creating multiple numbers of device profiles with similar attributes/settings, you can now copy or clone any of the existing profiles and make the small changes and start using it right away! This saves your time and efforts considerably!
    • You can hide the navigation bar on the devices if you don’t want it to be there
    • You got a hidden wifi network to be added to your devices? Scalefusion now supports the wi-fi network which is hidden.
    • One of the very important updates for the admins is that they can add App release notes. i. e. whenever any App is uploaded and published on the enterprise store, the admins can add a note describing all the necessary points/note related to it. This helps in keeping and maintaining better change history, and it makes it easy for subsequent admins to refer to it and know important points about any App released…

    To sum it up, we believe in consistently innovating features and utilities which makes Scalefusion as the most user-friendly and efficient Mobile Device Management Solution for the enterprises!

    To know more about features and MDM solution, feel free to contact our Sales & Support team.

    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch is a Research & Marketing professional, also writes for Scalefusion on Enterprise Mobility trends, SaaS, and different Industry Verticals.

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