The blog describes the varied aspects of the Apple MDM solution for your iOS devices and how an organization can benefit from its deployment, configuration, and management. If you still don’t have a Scalefusion account, start your free trial today.
Today, to implement enterprise mobility in the organization, Apple devices are extensively being used in a business environment and organizations are investing hugely in different iOS devices. The growing deployment of mobile devices in companies, it has led to an increased burden on the IT department to manage and secure these iOS devices as well as business data on them.
Apple Enterprise Device Management criteria to manage iOS devices
It is very important to understand various issues which can come up right from the deployment of the iOS devices to user experience. It is also important to find out and know how to remotely manage & secure these devices to ensure their maximum potential and security.
Apple devices when needed to be used in the corporate environment, it is preferred to be enrolled with an Apple Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution like Scalefusion. Further, the first step to manage your Apple devices is to upload an APNs certificate, which helps in establishing mutual trust between Scalefusion and the organization’s Apple Account. After that, Apple’s server maintains a persistent connection with the devices.
You can even manage (Device Enrollment Program) DEP devices with Scalefusion. DEP is an Apple Program that can be used to streamline the onboarding process for brand new devices – iOS 11 or devices that have been hard reset, automatically to a Scalefusion MDM server.
Another way to enroll the devices is the QR Code or Device Enrolment Configurations which is a quick and easy enrolling way. By creating a QR Code configuration, you can choose the default Group or a Profile and a naming convention for the devices that are enrolled using this QR Code.
Configuration & app management
There’s a wide range of options to configure Apple devices. Businesses can have individual device profiles or group profiles depending on the requirements of the users.
Device Profiles and group profiles are created and applied to Apple devices. They are a quick and easy way to group your common settings and restrictions.
Scalefusion provides an Enterprise Store, which is a Mobile Application Management platform that ensures that all the employees get access to all the apps which they require to carry out their work in a secure environment. It offers a couple of mechanisms to install applications remotely on iOS devices.
Search and publish iTunes Application on the iOS devices and remotely install, uninstall or update the apps with the help of Enterprise Store.
If you have an in-house application, then, too, Scalefusion Enterprise Store can install the application remotely on your devices. It also enables to update it with the latest version on each device on which the app is published.
Deploying apps through VPP gives extra security and configuration options. Hence, Scalefusion facilitates the distribution of the Volume Purchase Program (VPP) applications provided the organization has enrolled in the Apple VPP program. It also helps in the silent installation of applications without any user interaction.

Device Inventory
When there are bulk of devices enrolled in an iOS MDM solution, it becomes imperative to keep a tab on its inventory. IT admin needs to see the list of the devices, device-level information like OS version, IP address, battery level, group profile/device profile to which it belongs, apps installed on them, and various other parameters. This information can be used for managing the corporate-owned iOS devices well, as well as ensuring all devices are secure and running the latest versions of any software.
Device and Data Security
Security and privacy of the devices, as well as data on them, are the top priority for any organization. Apple provides many security features which, when coupled to the Apple Enterprise mobile device management solution, can ensure that your corporate-owned iOS devices and the data, as well as apps, are secured well. Some of them are passcode policy, lost mode, lock mode, location tracking, camera settings, and the number of other hardware restrictions that can be implied.
Today, with the growing number of mobile devices and their types used in the organization, it poses a difficult challenge supporting, managing, and securing devices to increase employee productivity as well as protecting corporate assets. To sum up, the organizations need the right Apple Enterprise Device Management solution to manage Apple devices to secure them and leverage the best for a better Return on Investment (ROI).
After Android and iOS, Scalefusion has now introduced MDM for Windows devices. Now you can efficiently manage your corporate-owned iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices from a Unified Dashboard.