
    What is Modern Management? & Why its Important?

    There’s an emerging trend in the enterprise environment that talks about the Modern Management of devices driven mainly due to the Windows 10 revolution. Windows 10 offers a number of new and innovative features that simplify device usage in the enterprise setting for different work purposes. Gartner conducted a survey in 2016, in six countries, the US, U.K., France, China, India, and Brazil and it had shown that 85% of enterprises have started Windows 10 deployments by 2017 end. Out of 1014 respondents, 49% of respondents said that the main reason to migrate is the improvement in security, and secondly for cloud integration capabilities.

    what is modern management?
    Guide to Modern Management

    In addition, longer battery life, touchscreens, and other Windows 10 features have also brought a significant increase in the intention to purchase Windows 10 devices.

    Organizations are planning to transfer from a traditional to a modern management style, which has a lot of factors to consider along with some challenges to overcome. The main purpose is to manage, secure, and deliver modern applications to employees and provide a rich user experience across the bulk of Windows 10 PCs, desktops, laptops, and Surface devices.

    Firstly, let’s understand some of the basic facts, like the popularity of Windows 10, what is modern device management, and thereafter how Windows device management can effectively manage Windows 10 devices.

    What is Modern Management ?

    Modern Management is a cloud-based comprehensive solution that can seamlessly help you manage enterprise Windows 10 devices, which come with the built-in management tool. In today’s business world, a high percentage of the workforce is working remotely, and as a result, it becomes critical to have remote device management and data security strategy. Modern management dashboard uses cloud-based services and provides various functionalities such as management of all your IT assets, enforcement policy management, application restriction, blacklisting, granular or complete desktop lockdown, installation of patches, app distribution, monitoring, controlling, and managing remote devices.

    Before Windows 10, major operating system updates were less frequent, and users were not even able to install apps on their own and there were higher IT and support costs. But, now, since frequent updates are required, modern management handles it very well.

    Why is modern management important?

    Modern management simplifies the experience of device management, creating a flexible workspace by managing Windows or Mac devices under a single roof. It also allows organizations to cut down the costs and efforts of endpoint maintenance and diminishes the need for extensive on-premise infrastructures. Modern management is important for several reasons, particularly in the context of IT and device management. Here are some key benefits:

    Enhanced Security: Modern management solutions provide better security features, such as real-time threat detection and response, encryption, and compliance management. These are crucial for protecting sensitive data and ensuring that devices are secure from cyber threats.

    Remote Management: With an increasingly mobile workforce, the ability to manage devices remotely is essential. Modern management solutions allow IT administrators to configure, update, and troubleshoot devices regardless of their location, enhancing productivity and flexibility.

    Scalability: Modern management solutions are scalable, making it easier to manage a large number of devices. This is particularly important for growing organizations or those with fluctuating workforce sizes.

    Support for Modern Work Environments: With the rise of remote work and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, modern management provides the necessary tools to support these trends effectively, ensuring that all devices are managed and secure.

    In summary, modern management is essential for maintaining security, improving efficiency, enhancing user experience, and supporting the flexibility required in today’s dynamic business environments.

    Modern Device Management With Scalefusion MDM

    Modern management functionalities are effortlessly managed through cloud-based MDM solutions, freeing enterprises from the headaches of on-premise management that involves infrastructure costs. Scalefusion is an effective Windows 10 Management solution that can help you seamlessly manage your enterprise Windows 10 devices remotely across the organization, thus proving to be a modern approach to simplify remote device management and enforce security. All that you need are the devices to be managed and an account with Scalefusion.

    As of now, we have added the most frequently used policies and settings that can help you get good control over your enterprise Windows 10 devices. Our MDM solution can also be used to manage your Android & iOS devices. Nevertheless, we will introduce more improved and innovative features and functionalities with time.

    Also read: Windows 10 for Education: Overview, Benefits, Challenges, Management

    What are the features of Modern Management?

    Modern management encompasses a variety of features designed to streamline IT operations, enhance security, and improve the user experience. Here are some key features:

    1. Set the device profile

    The device Profile helps you to group your policies for e.g. application policy, together. Once a profile is created, you can apply it to multiple devices.

    2. Set the application policy

    The application policy includes blacklisting/whitelisting of the apps which are not relevant to your employees for work.

    3. Set the browser settings

    With browser settings, you can have customized branding for your enterprise. In addition, set certain settings for auto-fill, cookie policy, start page URL, pop-ups, etc in the Edge browser.

    4. Kiosk Mode

    By using this Windows kiosk mode feature, you can lock your device for single app usage.

    5. Network control

    This feature will help you to automatically configure a Wi-Fi network on an enrolled device.

    6. Security settings

    Allows you to set hardware like restricting the camera, USB port, etc.

    7. Email & Exchange settings

    Some organizations opt for POP/IMAP-based email servers, while some for Exchange, which is an email and calendar software. With the help of the Email/Exchange setting, you can configure the Email policy for your organization and then push it to the managed devices.

    endpoint management for windows

    How Modern Management is Beneficial for IT Management

    1. Helps maintain a balance between security & user productivity

    You can keep your sensitive business data secured from the vulnerabilities which can be introduced by the end-users and at the same time provide flexibility and increase the productivity of the users.

    2. Centralized control over devices and its usage

    Centralized dashboard which gives IT Admin all the privilege to set the device level policies, enforcing security settings, application management, and other policies.

    3. Remote endpoint management

    Control remotely over different and number of endpoints like desktops, laptops, surfaces, and its usage.

    Learn More: Understanding Remote Endpoint Management

    4. Exceptional overall operational performance, regardless of location

    Gives device users all the flexibility to work from a remote location without impacting accessibility.

    To conclude, Windows 10 is being rapidly adopted in organizations and is replacing the other legacy windows devices, as it comes loaded with the latest features, functionalities, and system updates. However, you need a Windows MDM Solution when you have a bulk and variety of Windows 10 devices to support. It offers lower cost, lesser efforts, and better productivity with higher ROI, and this is the reason why more and more enterprises are going to deploy MDM Solutions to manage and secure their Windows 10 devices.


    1. What is modern management in microsoft?

    Modern management in Microsoft refers to the contemporary approach of centrally managing and securing devices using cloud-based tools like Microsoft Endpoint Manager. It emphasizes cloud-centric management, automation, and self-service capabilities to streamline device administration enhance user productivity in modern workplaces.

    2. What is modern device management?

    Modern device management encompasses the management of devices, such as PCs, laptops, and mobile devices, using cloud-based solutions and services. It leverages platforms like Microsoft Intune and Endpoint Manager to enable remote configuration, security enforcement, application deployment, and compliance management, offering a more agile and efficient management approach.

    3. What are the benefits of modern management?

    The benefits of modern management include simplified device provisioning and configuration, enhanced security through cloud-driven policies and updates, improved user experience with self-service capabilities, streamlined compliance enforcement, and increased flexibility to adapt to evolving business needs, all contributing to higher productivity and reduced management overhead.

    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch is a Research & Marketing professional, also writes for Scalefusion on Enterprise Mobility trends, SaaS, and different Industry Verticals.

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