
    Introducing Staggered Deployment for Android

    We’re excited to unveil a new feature to simplify app deployment: Staggered Deployment for Android Enterprise and Recommended Applications. This feature is designed to address issues often arising from deploying apps in bulk, such as disruptions in the field and productivity loss.

    For IT admins dealing with a large device and app inventory, staggered app deployment offers crucial risk management benefits. By gradually releasing updates to a subset of users, potential bugs can be identified and resolved early. This minimizes disruptions in device operation or app usage and allows for efficient resource allocation and performance monitoring.

    Staggered Deployment for Android
    Staggered Deployment of Android Apps

    Deploying apps in stages ensures a smoother transition for all users. IT admins can also gather feedback during deployment, which can further help optimize the user experience and overall system stability.

    How Does It Work?

    Staggered Deployment gives IT admins the flexibility to define a rollout strategy for each app. They can choose to roll out apps to a fixed percentage of users/devices or gradually increase the rollout over a specified number of days. This custom roll-out approach allows for a more controlled deployment process.

    One of the key benefits of Staggered Deployment is the ability to adjust rollout strategies as needed. IT admins can modify the deployment approach based on real-time feedback and performance metrics, ensuring a smoother rollout process.

    Staggered Deployment is compatible with both Android Enterprise apps and Scalefusion Android Recommended apps. 

    Improved Configuration Management

    In addition to Staggered Deployment, we’ve made enhancements to the configuration of Publish Flags for different app versions. IT admins can now configure Publish Flags on a per-version basis, offering greater flexibility and control over app management.

    With Staggered App Deployment for Android, organizations can streamline their app deployment process and minimize disruptions in the field. We’re committed to continuously improving Scalefusion and making device management as easy as it should be.

    Please share your thoughts and suggestions with us at [email protected]. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

    Sriram Kakarala
    Sriram Kakarala
    Sriram has been developing mobile applications for 10+ years. His experiences include working on a BYOD solution, a custom Android OS for the enterprises and multi-headed Chat clients for consumers. He has had experience working for early stage start-ups to mid-size stuck-ups and near-stagnant MNC’s. On a personal level he thinks a nice sandwich is all that the world needs!!.

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