
    VoIP Calling for Business: Save Cellular Costs on Team Calls with Scalefusion

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    VoIP Calling

    Communication and collaboration between various stakeholders are extremely crucial to drive efficient business processes. With workplace parameters extending beyond the conventional boundaries of physical locations, driving effective communication within a workforce has become tedious. 

    Top challenges incurred in setting up communication within remote teams:

    1.Device compatibility for using SIM card

    While devices such as mobile phones can be connected using a SIM card, setting up voice calling functionality on device fleet not supporting a SIM, such as rugged devices, desktops, laptops, tablets is not possible. 

    2. Unrestricted calling resulting in unnecessary cellular charges

    Devices provided with a SIM card and VoIP calling apps cannot be restricted to make work-only calls, adding up to the cellular and data costs. 

    3. OS-compatibility for communication tools

    While many communication tools offer VoIP calling, they are not compatible with all OS versions and/or come at additional costs. 

    Scalefusion InterOps helps to alleviate the challenges faced while establishing secure communication between a workforce that operates from different locations. With Scalefusion InterOps’ Eva Communication Suite, teams can connect remotely over VoIP calling and exchange two-way encrypted messages.

    Benefits of Eva Communication Suite:

    1.Eliminate the need for SIM card/OS compatibility

    With Eva, your devices can communicate using VoIP phone system. Communication can also be established between rugged devices or devices that do not support SIM cards.

    2. Allow work-only calls

    To prevent non-work calls, you can publish contact lists on managed devices and allow only work calls to save cellular/data charges.

    3. Encrypted two-way messaging between teams

    Protect business communication data breaches by using Eva messenger. Eva messenger enables two-way encrypted messaging between devices across your organization.

    4. Broadcast messages from IT admins

    Using Eva messenger, admins can broadcast messages to the entire device inventory, send regular announcement as well as crucial updates.

    5. Available within Enterprise Plan

    Team Communication App is available for devices enrolled in Scalefusion Enterprise plan. The enterprise plan also comes loaded with other add-ons such as Remote Cast and Control.

    Let’s have a look at how to make VoIP calls using Eva Communication Suite:

    Before you begin:

    a) Sign up and create an account on Scalefusion. Make sure you use an email address that is not G-Suite enabled to sign up. Once you create an account, confirm your email address.

    b) Enroll your devices on the Scalefusion dashboard and apply company-specific policies. Create device profiles and groups for different teams within your employees.

    c) Enable the Eva Communication Suite on the Scalefusion dashboard. Navigate to Eva Communication Settings and enable Eva Phone.

    d) Install the Eva app on enrolled devices

    Now, you can start making cellular calls through Eva Messenger

    Click on the Eva icon on the top right corner of the dashboard or the Messenger section in Eva Communication Suite.

    Here, you can see the list of contacts (devices) enrolled into Scalefusion dashboard. 

    To make a call, simply select the account and click on the call icon in the top right corner.

    The call attempt will be displayed on the screen.

    Connected call, as well as call history, will be visible on the dashboard

    You can mute the audio of the call or cancel the call through the dashboard. You can also send encrypted messages to the contacts. 

    By following similar steps, employees can also make VoIP calls from managed devices to other managed devices published in their contact lists. 

    Making VoIP calls with Eva Communication Suite helps in driving effective communication between teams with no cellular charges. Save cellular costs on team calls, sign up for Scalefusion today!

    Get a 14-day free trial!

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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