
    Top EdTech Solutions to Enhance Digital Learning

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    EdTech solutions have truly transformed the way students consume and learn- in schools or otherwise. With more and more parents as well as schools now opting for a more immersive learning experience that doesn’t limit the kids to conventional learning based on books, curriculum, and more or less the knowledge of the educators, EdTech is gaining rapid momentum. EdTech is quickly becoming popular enough to replace classroom-based learning altogether. With the pandemic creating a tight spot for schools and educators, EdTech served as a ray of hope to ensure continuity to education when students couldn’t attend physical classes.

    Top EdTech Solutions
    Top EdTech Solutions

    EdTech investments across the globe are on a steady rise and rightly so. With the emphasis on digital learning being greater than ever and parents and educators being more aware of the benefits of digital classrooms, the acceptance of EdTech is sharply picking up. And today when remote learning is the new norm, the importance of EdTech is highlighted even more.

    With the overwhelming options available, choosing the right EdTech solution is a daunting task. We’ve put together a list of recommendations for top EdTech solutions that are set to enhance digital learning.

    1. Dreambox learning

    Focussing primarily on mathematics, Dreambox learning is a US-based EdTech solution designed for elementary and middle school education. With over 1800 lessons available for K-8, Dreambox extends personalized instructions that are adaptive to the capabilities of the learner, helping in enhancing the problem-solving skills powered with interactive visuals and sounds. The curriculum is designed keeping in mind the conceptual understanding which is extremely crucial to develop math skills at the elementary level. 

    For the educators, the tool helps in closing knowledge gaps, making assessment within the learning process easier, and reports and analytics accessible. Teachers can offer on-site instructions and step-by-step guide templates, host webinars, and offer a more immersive learning experience to the students with Dreambox.

    2. BYJU’S

    Based out of India, BYJU’s was conceived as an online tutoring platform that has now evolved as a full-blown EdTech solution. With classes for students between the ages of 4 and 18, BYJU’s brings together teachers, educators, and subject matter experts from across the country to the fingertips of the students. Students can choose a personalized online tutoring program for one on one class and receive undivided attention from the teacher and clarify doubts with ease. The study materials are available for the various Indian educational boards as well as for several competitive exams conducted throughout the country.

    For young kids, BYJU’s offers an early learning program that makes use of rich graphics and animations, along with Disney characters to make learning and absorption of fundamental concepts fun and engaging.

    remote learning and distance education
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    3. Knewton

    US-based Knewton focuses heavily on adaptive learning for students to learn science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This EdTech solution has courses designed for higher education classes with interactive video content that helps students close knowledge gaps, clear conceptual understanding, and extend personalized learning experience so that no one is left behind in the learning journey.

    Students can have access to the content 24/7 and track their progress, take quizzes and assessments, and complete assignments within the app to coalesce all their learning efforts.

    4. Writereader

    Writereader is a research-based tool developed to improve the linguistic skills of students. Educators can create multiple multimodal digital books to improve student’s learning and design assessments for developing writing skills within the students. 

    The tool has partnered with Sesame Street to create interactive storytelling sessions that are sure to keep students hooked, while teaching them the art of storytelling, creating their own stories through their imagination and writing them down with ease. The solution is highly inclusive and makes a serious effort in bringing diversity into the learning programs to teach students empathy and equality while picking up language skills.

    5. Skriware

    An EdTech solution of Polish origin, Skriware highlights the practical dimension of learning where students can learn how to design robots, print it in 3D and write programs for the same. STEM skill enhancement is the key focus of Skriware and the solution does it well by extending immersive graphics, adventure stories to learning about planets and serves as a resource hub for both students and educators. 

    The solution can be used in classrooms as well as at home, which means that there’s no limit to learning! The hands-on experience can help students develop problem-solving skills which are essential for entering into the STEM world.

    Closing lines…

    EdTech solutions are paving the way for futuristic learning. To power the students, educators, and parents in embracing EdTech, Scalefusion Academia ushers in the much-needed device management to make online learning a safe space!

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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