As the name suggests, frontline workers are the employees who work on the front lines, interacting with customers and communicating with stakeholders. Sometimes they are directly responsible for delivering goods and at times act as the first point of contact for the customers. Frontline workers can work either from within the office perimeters or from remote locations, depending on the nature of their jobs and the business purpose they serve. To put it simply, they are the actual face of the company as they represent the brand at multiple levels, and to some extent, the ground-level tasks that matter the most to the business are performed by the frontline executives. However, their significance is often understated and overshadowed by the C-level managers and executives. the silver lining lies in the fact that modern companies have started to realize the criticality of the business benefits provided by the frontline workers’ contribution.
So, it is time to understand your frontline workers inside out – to make them do better at work, make them feel empowered and important and to help them raise the bar to add more value to your business returns. And to do that, it is imperative to know them well, their challenges, their roles and responsibilities, their relevance and value, and ways to motivate and enable them with technology and digitization. So, what plan does your business have for its frontline workers? Let’s get to know some meaningful facts, insights and trends.

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