
    Introducing PIN Rotation for Mac Devices

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    Creating safer and more secure device management environments for businesses is always at the helm of our endeavors at Scalefusion. We thrive on enabling IT admins to maintain the most stringent device and data security standards across managed devices. 

    We are pleased to announce that we have added one more rock to Scalefusion’s already strong wall of robust security features. Starting today, we have introduced PIN rotation for managed Mac devices to fortify data security measures within the Apple MDM framework.

    Set a New PIN with Every Lock

    While we all know that the inbuilt security posture in Apple’s Mac devices is top-notch, there was a missing part of the puzzle in managing these Mac devices. It was the limitation of a solitary PIN to lock/unlock and factory reset Mac devices. This left a loophole wherein Mac devices were at risk of being misused or their data compromised.

    Scalefusion has taken a step to ensure managed Mac devices are no longer at bay. IT admins can now leverage the Scalefusion dashboard to rotate and reset Mac PIN. Previously, the single (permanent) Mac PIN remained at the disposal of end users, which posed a threat in terms of device and data security, especially for stolen or lost devices. Hence, we now offer IT admins a feature to change or rotate Mac PIN when locking a device, which was previously limited to a single PIN.

    An essential element is that this rotation of Mac PIN rests entirely with IT admins. It’s their choice to make, which also means greater control over managing Mac devices. Once they have locked the device with a new PIN, admins can check its status from the Scalefusion dashboard. The ‘acknowledged’ status means the device has received the new PIN to lock itself. The ‘pending’ status indicates the device is yet to lock itself with the new PIN.

    We hope this new feature will allow our customers to execute more substantial device and data security norms for managed Mac devices. Therefore, we encourage you to try the feature and leave your invaluable feedback to help us raise the security bar constantly. Contact us at [email protected], and we are all ears!

    Sriram Kakarala
    Sriram Kakarala
    Sriram has been developing mobile applications for 10+ years. His experiences include working on a BYOD solution, a custom Android OS for the enterprises and multi-headed Chat clients for consumers. He has had experience working for early stage start-ups to mid-size stuck-ups and near-stagnant MNC’s. On a personal level he thinks a nice sandwich is all that the world needs!!.

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