
    What is Mac Management: From a UEM Viewpoint

    What excites you more? The Big Mac from McDonald’s or the Mac from Apple? While the former doesn’t last long (especially when you’re famishing), the latter has a long device lifecycle. Ever since their entry into the world of (personal) computers, Macs have enjoyed a lot of love and fan-following. There are die-hard Mac lovers who will frown and debate any other offering, even with the same price level. This genuine love for Mac has slowly but surely flown into modern workplaces.

    Mac Management
    Benefits of Mac Management using UEM

    The rising adoption of Mac devices within enterprises necessitates consistent management and utilization strategies. As Mac usage continues to climb, businesses must prioritize understanding effective macOS device management approaches. And that’s what this blog intends to do. Also, we will try to sync how a Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solution fits into the Mac management picture.

    Why Do Organizations Adopt Macs?

    Developers, designers, and senior executives are among those who love Macs the most. Time to look into some of the primary reasons for the ongoing and growing love and adoption of Mac devices in workplaces. 

    UX & UI

    Businesses strive to get the best talent onboard, and access to modern tech and devices goes a long way in establishing that. It encompasses providing the flexibility to choose their preferred device for work—significantly, for many employees, this choice is a Mac. Macs, for that matter, are a tech and style statement put together in a package of ultimate UX, i.e., user experience. 

    Employees often favor macOS devices due to their perceived ease of use or user interface (UI). IT teams, too, find Macs to be simpler, more intuitive, and easier to set up than other OS devices. This is reflected in IT data, which typically shows fewer support tickets from Mac users than from PC users. Organizations may choose to adopt Macs to cater to these employee preferences and the potential benefits they bring.


    Allowing employees the flexibility to select their preferred work devices can significantly boost their efficiency. This approach stems from the understanding that individuals perform optimally using devices they are already familiar with. Given the widespread familiarity and use of Apple products, it logically follows that permitting the use of Mac desktops and laptops in the workplace can lead to enhanced productivity for a substantial number of employees.

    S(Mac)k the Power Up

    For those who ever doubt the power or robustness of Macs, keep living under the rock happily! Macs combine user-friendliness with robust security, making them a popular choice for individuals and organizations alike. macOS boasts features like FileVault, Gatekeeper, and Recovery Lock, further solidifying its reputation for reliability and strength.

    What is Mac Management?

    Mac management refers to the systematic control and security of macOS devices through a unified platform. macOS stands as the second most popular operating system globally, following Microsoft Windows, and is tailored specifically for Apple’s Macintosh computers. IT professionals leverage Mac management to streamline the administration of these devices within an organization.

    Which versions of macOS receive support?

    • 10.13: macOS High Sierra
    • 10.14: macOS Mojave
    • 10.15: macOS Catalina

    Benefits of Mac Management with UEM

    While sharing the advantages of general unified endpoint management (UEM), Mac management offers an additional benefit: it empowers employees who prefer Macs to use them for work while allowing IT to integrate these devices into the existing organizational infrastructure effortlessly.

    Here’s a quick tour of the benefits of Mac management with UEM.

    Effortless Mac setup and management: Mac integration with UEM allows IT to deploy and configure new devices without manual intervention. This centralized control enables organizations to offer employees a choice of Macs while still easily managing them alongside other devices within the UEM framework.

    Automation: Capabilities like Freestyle Orchestrator and Intelligence for Mac allow organizations to streamline critical tasks through automation. This frees up valuable time for IT staff, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

    Improved Security and Simplified Control: Features like macOS Process Manager empower IT to restrict or block specific applications, preventing potential security vulnerabilities. When coupled with UEM security features like passcode policy, web content filtering, and kiosk mode, among others, organizations can command a powerful security regime.

    IT Efficiency: Mac management, or Apple device management (Apple MDM) solutions in general, facilitate IT teams to work smarter, not harder. Centralized tools and automation streamline tasks, saving time and effort across various areas, including deployment, onboarding, security, and app distribution.

    Mac Management Essentials for Enterprises Using UEM

    Mac management involves supporting and administering devices from deployment to end of life. Here’s an overview of how Mac management with UEM eases the burden on IT at every stage of the device lifecycle:

    Modern Management

    Mac management starts with automated onboarding. In just a few simple steps, admins can swiftly enroll both new and existing devices using modern management. UEM empowers organizations by giving them the ability to manage device restrictions, set up Wi-Fi configurations, and implement FileVault encryption. 

    Furthermore, managing Mac devices becomes effortless with UEM features like geofencing, location tracking, and remote lock and wipe, among others.

    Patch Management

    There’s no denying that Macs have high immunity against infections. But the threat of unpatched vulnerabilities can’t be overlooked even in Mac environments. UEM solutions offer automated patch management of Mac devices to ensure they are updated with the latest macOS security patches. 

    With UEM, admins can schedule the patches and get detailed reports on the patch status, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient approach to Mac security.

    Application Management

    Organizations and IT personnel favor Mac computers due to the comprehensive suite of tools and applications they offer right out of the box. Implementing a UEM solution further guarantees that all necessary apps, whether built-in or downloaded from the App Store, are properly configured and secured for specific work environments (hybrid, remote, or in-office). 

    Mac Inventory

    A macOS device inventory is crucial because the extensive data it gathers keeps organizations informed with the most current information on Mac devices. It provides up-to-date information on devices, including hardware details, installed applications, security status, data usage, battery status, and many more specifications. This comprehensive data enables IT to make informed decisions, such as optimizing app deployment and reducing data consumption costs.

    Remote Troubleshooting

    It’s a fact that Macs are ultra-sleek and super strong. However, they are machines at the end of the day, and if the probability is low, Macs can encounter issues. That’s where UEM amplifies Mac management with the feature of remote troubleshooting. IT admins can mirror Mac screens on a UEM dashboard and remotely troubleshoot any problems that employees face with their Macs. All that’s required is end-user consent and an internet connection. 

    The remote troubleshooting capability of a UEM solution eliminates the need for the physical presence of admins to fix non-hardware bugs. Most importantly, it reduces downtime for already sturdy Mac devices. 

    Augment Mac Management with Scalefusion UEM

    An effective UEM solution like Scalefusion is the ultimate way to augment the Mac management capabilities of organizations and IT teams. Scalefusion offers intuitive and powerful features tailored to manage Mac fleets, small or large. It’s like savoring the Big Mac with an enhanced appetite.

    For any queries regarding Mac management with Scalefusion, get in touch with our experts and book a demo. Begin a 14-day free trial now and test out a few Macs! 

    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan Ghosh
    Abhinandan is a Senior Content Editor at Scalefusion who is an enthusiast of all things tech and loves culinary and musical expeditions. With more than a decade of experience, he believes in delivering consummate, insightful content to readers.

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