
    Apple Configurator 2 – How To Activate Supervised Mode on iOS?

    Managing a handful of personal devices is a breeze compared to the complexities of overseeing an enterprise fleet of iPhones and iPads. Administrators face unique challenges: scaling configurations across large numbers of devices, often scattered geographically, while minimizing downtime for productive users.

    While Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions excel in remote management, unexpected hiccups can leave devices and users stranded. This is where Apple Configurator 2 steps in, offering a powerful tool for directly managing iOS devices, even when they’re disconnected from your MDM.

    Learn how to set up supervised mode for iOS using Apple Configurator 2 with a quick step-by-step guide. For the effectual management of iOS devices, supervision is recommended.

    Supervision enforces the devices to enroll into an Apple MDM solution thereby granting granular control of managed devices to IT admins.

    Apple Configurator 2
    Apple Configurator 2 – How to activate supervised mode on iOS?

    iOS devices can be supervised using Apple Configurator 2 (AC2) or Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP). In this article, we’ll learn how to enable supervised mode on iOS using Apple Configurator 2.

    What is Apple Configurator 2?

    Apple Configurator is a free-to-use Mac OSX tool that is used by enterprises to deploy iPads, iPhones, iPod Touch, and Apple TV devices using a physical USB connection. Using Apple Configurator, the supervised mode can be enabled on company-owned iOS devices with ease.

    With Apple Configurator 2, administrators can configure company policies, install apps and enforce security restrictions on devices before handing them over to the end-users.

    Supervising iOS devices using Apple Configurator 2 (AC2):

    Let us look at the step-by-step method to supervise iOS devices using Apple Configurator 2.

    For this procedure, you need a Mac with the tool ‘Apple configurator 2’. You also need the iOS device that needs to be supervised. This device could be a new device or a factory reset device with no previous supervision configured. You also need a lightning USB cable to connect the device to Mac.

    Also read: Apple Business Essentials for MDM

    Step – 1

    Connect the device to the Mac using the USB cable. Launch the Apple Configurator 2 on your Mac. You can now see and control the device on your screen.

    Step – 2

    Right-click on the frame and choose ‘prepare’ from the list of options.

    Step – 3

    You will be shown a dialogue box where you can choose to enroll the device into DEP or make it supervised. Choose the ‘Supervise devices’ option.

    Step – 4

    At this step, you can also allow or disallow the device to pair with other computers.

    Step – 5

    In the next step, you can configure a server, essentially configuring the MDM for the device. At this step, you can choose to not enroll in an MDM or choose to enroll in the MDM of your choice.

    Step – 6

    To enroll in an MDM, select a new server. Enter the MDM tool name and add a link to your policy/profile settings. Your desired MDM server will then be visible in the list. Select it.

    Step – 7

    Now you can add your Apple ID and Password or skip the step. Other optional fields like Name, contact info, and addresses will pop up on the screen. You can fill in the details and continue.

    Step – 8

    Choose setup steps. These steps will be visible on the device when the device is started.

    Step – 9

    Once this is configured, you can proceed to ‘prepare’ the device for supervision. You will have to enter the Mac id and password to continue the setup.

    Step – 10

    The device data will then be erased, and the supervision procedure will begin. Once the device is ready, it can be set up within few simple steps.

    Step – 11

    The device can be now connected to the internet. The device will display the MDM profile that was implemented onto the device in step number 5. You can continue if you want to implement the MDM or skip to simply supervise the device.

    Step – 12

    If there’s no MDM solution, the device will be supervised but not enrolled in an MDM.

    Supervising iOS devices using Apple configurator 2 is the easiest and the most ideal for businesses where the number of devices to be supervised is small.

    If the device supervised through the Apple configurator is reset through MDM or by the end-user, it will enter unsupervised mode and has to be physically supervised again.


    1. What is Apple Configurator 2?

    Apple Configurator 2 is a free Mac app that lets you configure, deploy, and manage Apple devices. You can use it to set up new devices, install apps and profiles, supervise devices, and more.

    2. How do I use Apple Configurator 2?

    There are many resources available to help you get started with Apple Configurator 2. Apple has a comprehensive user guide, and there are also many third-party tutorials and videos available online.

    3. What are the benefits of using Apple Configurator 2?

    Apple Configurator 2 can save you a lot of time and effort when managing Apple devices. It can be used to automate many tasks, such as setting up new devices, installing apps, and configuring settings.

    4. What are some of the limitations of Apple Configurator 2?

    Apple Configurator 2 can only be used to manage Apple devices. It cannot be used to manage devices from other manufacturers.

    5. Where can I learn more about Apple Configurator 2?

    Apple has a website with more information about Apple Configurator 2, including a user guide, release notes, and support resources. You can also find many third-party tutorials and videos online.

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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