
    How BYOD Drives Business Agility?

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    One of the key reasons contributing to the success of modern businesses is business agility. Agile businesses have the ability to rapidly transform, fix, and adapt to market changes. Business agility paves the way for improved cost-efficiency, giving businesses a competitive advantage. It also impacts the values and capabilities of the organization, empowering the employees to be more engaged, creative, resilient, and productive.

    BYOD for Business Agility
    How BYOD Drives Business Agility

    BYOD or bring your own device is one of the prime crusaders for employees to feel trusted and productive. When employees are offered the liberty to use their favorite devices for work, connect anytime, from anywhere flexibly, it results in improved productivity, in-turn contributing to the business growth. But that’s not all, a BYOD management software also drives business agility, streamlining legacy processes and transforming the conventional work perimeters.

    Here’s how BYOD drives business agility:

    Device diversity

    With BYOD, businesses can employ diverse devices for work across various business categories. For instance, if an organization widely uses legacy Windows systems, BYOD can help the organizations to leverage the capabilities of a Mac with BYOD. Devices belonging to varied OS and types can play together to implement, run, and test new business ideas. 

    Access to the latest systems

    Employees today are tech-savvy. They prefer having the latest apps and system configurations on their personal devices. With BYOD, organizations can benefit from the latest systems available on the employee-owned devices for agile processes. Plus, since the devices and systems are employee-owned, the organization doesn’t have to look after extending support to these systems, mitigating the work-load of IT and support teams. 

    Enhanced collaboration

    Since employees can connect from anywhere, anytime, inter-team collaboration is smooth. Employees do not have to depend on devices plugged in stationary workstations and can connect, communicate, and collaborate with other stakeholders from their personal devices such as mobiles, tablets, iPads, and laptops, round-the-clock. Rapid fixes and suggestions do not have to wait for employees to physically visit the conventional office premises. Delivery and support can be made available in real-time. Reduced communication roadblocks can further aid in driving business agility.

    Also Read: Why an MDM Solution Should Have a Team Communication Suite

    Improved creativity

    With BYOD, employees are given the flexibility to work from home or connect remotely. When employees are provided with such flexibility, it helps them to focus better. Working in an environment that employees are comfortable with, along with appropriate business resources that can be securely accessed through the cloud, leads to employees being more creative. This acts as a catalyst in innovation, which is essential for business agility. Employees can devise interesting concepts, ideas, and products in such cases, which helps modern businesses thrive in a competitive market. 

    Reduced Infrastructure costs

    BYOD helps in significantly cutting down costs for businesses at multiple levels. First, employees bring their own devices for work means reduced inventory investment. Further, employees purchase the latest licenses, apps, and system configurations for their personal devices which can be partially paid for (as a stipend) by organizations further reducing the costs. Since the organization doesn’t need to extend support for device troubleshooting, support costs are also dramatically reduced. With reduced costs, businesses can instead fund innovations and agile developments.

    Scalefusion BYOD for Agile Businesses 

    With Scalefusion, businesses can effectively create and implement a BYOD strategy. Scalefusion BYOD solutions empower businesses to fuel employee-owned devices with up-to-date business apps and resources while ensuring total user privacy. Companies can selectively secure work apps and data while providing flexibility to employees to telecommute. 

    Choosing Scalefusion to provision and monitor employee-owned devices can help businesses get a desirable R.O.I. from the mobility exercise while ensuring that the business agility is speedy and uninterrupted. 

    Start your 14-day free trial today!

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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