
    Tech-savvy skill: 6 reasons why you need tech savvy employees

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    Today’s organizations work with employees from varied age groups, each doing justice to his/her specific role, and together they drive the enterprise toward collective success. However, from time to time, it becomes imperative to introduce newer and more enhanced technologies that aim to transform the workplace into a more productive environment and therefore, we need to turn from tech-shy to tech savvy. Technological advancements are going through an evolutionary phase. To embrace this ever-expanding IT disruption, future-proofing your workforce and making them technology savvy is the right strategy to start with.

    The millennials entering the IT space have huge technology expectations. With increasing automation at the workplace and the torrent of applications pouring in, training employees with skills to handle this technology disruption can ensure better workplace collaboration and productive engagement. Notably, in times when the virtual and on-demand workforce is on the rise, training employees with the right technical skills is of great significance.

    Tech-savvy meaning? A definition 

    Tech-savvy refers to a person’s ability to understand, use and navigate technology efficiently. It indicates that one is knowledgeable about technology and can adapt quickly to new gadgets or software. Being tech-savvy is essential in today’s digital age, as technology is pervasive in almost every aspect of our lives. This skill allows people to communicate, work, learn and live more efficiently and organizationally.

    Being tech-savvy is not just about having knowledge of how to operate devices but also involves using technology creatively and innovatively to solve problems. To be considered tech-savvy, one must have a skill that enables one to leverage technology and make the most out of it. You need to update your resume with relevant technical skills and accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to leverage technology effectively.

    Top 6 Reasons for Organizations to Make their employees’ tech savvy

    1. It is an investment with sure-shot gains

    Technology has become such an integral part of our lives that we can no longer afford to keep it away from our business environment. According to Microsoft, 67% of workers use their mobile devices in the workplace. It has been observed that employees who are agile have performed much better in customer-facing scenarios as they can provide real-time solutions. Empowered with technology, employees reduce the time gap in solving important business issues, ensure faster deliveries as well as improve the professional network for the organization.

    So investing in training programs for employees is a profitable investment for the enterprise in the long run. Most importantly, we need to instill the feeling that technology is here to make our lives easier and not the other way around!

    2. It will take collaboration and communication to the next levels

    In a business environment, employees have to keep switching between desks to non-desk scenarios. Tech savvy employees are more capable of utilizing and accessing enterprise information on the go and putting it to use from anywhere, anytime. This interoperability becomes a scoring goal in business as it defines how easily you can take quick action or make a smart decision. Technologically savvy employees are more agile and competent to make the best out of useful professional collaboration tools and content-sharing software, and these get work done faster in a smarter way.

    Also, a technically savvy employee will have more clarity about technological concepts like data and device security, IT regulations, and secure network policies and can apply the protocols while sharing company information and collaborating within a secured mobile environment. Furthermore, an understanding of data science allows the employee to leverage data analytics and make informed decisions, leading to improved efficiency and better strategic planning within the organization. Attaining a data scientist certification can empower employees with the knowledge to make informed decisions, driving innovation and contributing more effectively to the company’s projects and strategic goals.

    3. It will drive a work environment toward innovation and agility

    Building a tech savvy workforce is the ultimate call of the hour, especially when your competitors are trying to overrun you with their business! Technology-savvy employees are majorly driven by a hunger to search, explore, learn and implement newer and more advanced business solutions, which results in finding better, more effective, and faster ways to accomplish tasks and results. This is necessary for improved productivity if you go by the time management stats reflected in this resource. Imagine having the best social media tools without a tech-educated workforce to use them to their full potential.

    Hence, it has become a mandate for most companies to hire personnel with keen technical acumen and apt skillset selectively. Investing in professional employee training and coaching goes a long way in empowering your employees with confidence and adaptiveness to deal with technological agility, innovations, and various dynamic scenarios. For example, providing your sales team with Salesforce training can give your team an edge and help them close more sales.

    4. It will enhance CX with better and faster resolutions

    A high level of technological awareness and expertise means that your employees are well-positioned to offer better, faster, and more effective resolutions to your customers’ real-world business problems. End-users and consumers today are expecting more out of technology, and they are well aware of how technology functions and how it should be delivered, which means employees, need to stay ready and much ahead regarding technical brilliance and information to make sure that the end-user experience remains in perfect shape!

    Being tech savvy also helps employees to stay informed about customer queries and issues through varied digital platforms, which enables employees to offer faster and better customer resolutions. They would be open to using generative artificial intelligence to come up with ideas to help customers

    5. It will increase workplace satisfaction, productivity, and engagement

    Technology has opened a whole new world of possibilities at work, and a tech savvy workforce is ideally driving new ideas of improvement and better options for innovation. Trends like virtual meetings, workflow automation with AI, mobility management, analytics, enterprise resource management, collaboration/communication software (Slack, Trello, Asana or Monday, Yammer, Zoom, Tetra Tribe, etc.), employee portals, QR Codes, electronic business cards, and policies like BYOD make life at work easy and stress-free. It doesn’t only promote employee satisfaction and everyday engagement but also supports community-building amongst peers, motivation, and happiness quotient.

    Technologies like cloud-based projects and task management software enhance team performance and individual productivity. Companies should also consider using employee engagement platforms to facilitate rewards, instant recognition, and a bit of fun element in the daily life of an employee – they need to examine the comfort zone of their employees and accordingly allow them a playing field.

    6. It will future-proof your employees against any uncertainties

    Being tech savvy is not just an attitude; it has become a way of life, whether at home or in the office, it spares the person a lot of unnecessary time and effort. A technologically savvy workforce is not one who is aware of using new tools, software, and different e-commerce platforms” add ” (for example, Commerce Cloud from SAP with a composable storefront) – they must have innate hunger and understanding to stay agile and open to new technological advancements and even surprising developments.

    A company with technology savvy employees is better placed to adopt new technological trends and face unknown challenges. In fact, it is well-equipped to make an opportunity out of an obstacle! A workforce that is well-versed in cloud computing, analyzing reports, and diving into big data are in demand everywhere for adding extra value to an organization.

    How to encourage employees to become tech savvy? 6 ways

    Technology is rapidly evolving, and it’s crucial for employees to have the necessary skills and knowledge to keep up with these changes. To encourage your employees to become tech-savvy, you can try the following strategies:

    1. Offer training programs

    You can offer training programs that focus on specific technologies or software. These programs can be conducted in-house or by external trainers. Make sure to offer a variety of training options, such as online courses, workshops, and seminars, to cater to different learning styles. Arrange workshops and conferences for them to learn about new technologies and network with other experts in the industry. Apart from that, you also need to organize other soft skill based training programs like email etiquette program that can teach your employees how to address different emails, how to use email signature generator tools, how to manage multiple email accounts efficiently, etc.

    2. Provide access to tech sources

    Ensure that your employees have access to the latest tech content resources, such as software licenses, hardware upgrades, and online tutorials. This can help them to familiarize themselves with the technology and develop their skills. By browsing a lot about modern technology via books, articles and publications, you’ll able to stay on top of the latest tech trends. TechCrunch, Wired, and Engadget are some popular publications to start with.

    3. Set goals and incentives

    Set goals for your employees to achieve, such as learning a new software program or completing a coding course. Provide incentives such as bonuses, promotions, or time off to employees who achieve these goals.

    4. Lead by example

    Encourage your managers and leaders to lead by example by demonstrating their own tech skills and knowledge. This can create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

    5. Create a supportive environment

    Create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help. Encourage collaboration and teamwork to foster a learning culture.

    6. Practice and experiment

    The best way to become tech-savvy is to practice and experiment with different technologies. Start with simple projects and gradually work your way up to more complex tasks. Be okay with making mistakes and continue trying new things.

    Organizations must hit a perfect balance while driving technological developments within their workforce – a bridge to gap the differences between business goals and employee benefits. They need to understand what kind of technology integration is possible/recommended at work so that employees feel motivated, inspired, and charged up for better productivity, efficiency.

    The primary motto behind having tech savvy employees should be to imbibe a sense of responsibility, ownership, trust towards the company, and a shared level of understanding, which will go a long way in creating a holistic organizational environment based on innovation, passion, and compassion.

    Sonali Datta
    Sonali Datta
    Sonali has an extensive experience in content writing, marketing, and strategy and she has worked with companies where she was involved in the 360-degree content production and editing. An avid reader and animal lover, she loves to cook, take care of her plants and travel.

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