
    How Tablet Kiosks are Enhancing Student Experience in Schools & Libraries

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    Tablet Kiosks at Schools
    Tablet kiosks in Education

    The entry of kiosks has changed the way brands interact with their customers to meet varied business purposes from advertising and exhibitions, helping customers with taking specific actions, driving cashless transactions, improved inventory visibility, immersive brand engagement and so on.

    Tablet kiosks in education are making quite an impression as their usage at schools, libraries, receptions and universities is steadily growing amongst students, teachers and admin staff for providing proven benefits in multiple use cases.

    There is a rise in demand for cost-effective and secure tablet kiosks at schools for the following reasons:

    Increase attention span and enhance knowledge retention: Inclusion of visual learning tactics have always proven to be more engaging and immersive for students, which make tablet kiosks pretty useful for increasing students’ level of concentration and attention span. This eventually enhances knowledge retention, enhancing the entire learning experience. Use of tablet kiosks drive a stimulating environment wherein students show positive curiosity towards receiving lessons.

    Develop IT skills and improve classroom management: Usage of tablet kiosks in schools make it easier and more effective for the students to develop IT skills. Introducing students to digital devices at the right age fastens their ability to learn and grasp technical aspects and this helps them throughout the educational journey. Apart from that, using tablet kiosks streamlines classroom management by easing out processes like publishing, receiving transcriptions and sharing of documents amongst students. It imbibes principles of creativity, confidence and teamwork in students.

    Allow students to recharge smart cards to avoid using cash: Tablet kiosk for schools and universities allow students to recharge their smart cards with ease and convenience. This helps them to avoid using/carrying cash, which ultimately keeps instances of stealing, snatching and misplacement of cash away from educational institutes.

    Also Read: Why kiosk mode is important for frontline workers’ devices

    Effective wayfinding to obtain directions within the campus: Sensibly installed tablet kiosks at universities and schools help students and their visitors in finding the right direction to locate particular classrooms, refreshment areas, offices, sitting areas, meeting rooms etc.  tablet kiosks are also sometimes used to obtain campus maps.

    Obtain campus information and updates: Tablet kiosks are also used in educational institutes to display a specific message or information that is easily visible to students. These messages are ideally used to convey specific updates or broadcast messages that are applicable to all students.

    To study and research for information using the internet: At schools and colleges where students require to gather knowledge on a regular basis from varied digital sources, using tablet kiosks can be helpful in allowing them to surf and browse the internet. It helps them obtain online research reports and knowledge that can enhance the value of their study materials and notes. Students also use tablet kiosks at schools to fill-up survey forms and other details required by the educational institutes on a time-to-time basis.

    Purchase books online and check-in for school events: In educational institutes, students can also leverage tablet kiosks purposes like buying books online, registration of vehicles, getting tickets for school/university events, and so on. In fact, tablet kiosks at schools and universities can be used to meet several unique as well as typical requirements that ultimately enhance the overall student experience at many levels. 

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    Tablet kiosks for libraries: What are their benefits

    The intuitive, user-friendly and engaging interface of tablet kiosks have made them popular and useful in libraries as well.

    The availability of information, stories and knowledge in digital devices have dramatically dimmed the eminence of libraries as students can seamlessly access all insights at their fingertips. But usage of iPads and tablets in libraries have given a new facelift to these institutions. Adoption of new digital strategies and technologies like installation of secure tablet kiosks and iPads with enclosures have definitely proved to be beneficial for 3 core reasons in public and academic libraries.

    Tablet kiosks for libraries contain several resources: Many libraries install tablet kiosks that support e-reading apps like iBook store and Kindle, which contain millions of books, more than the entire library can store. eBooks are easier to find, cost less (or even free) than textbooks and are always available through the tablets kiosks. Students, especially, find tablet kiosks really helpful for eliminating the cost of buying textbooks. In many cases, tablet kiosks can be installed to attract students/readers to access and read eNews and periodicals that are made readily available on the counter-mounted tablet stands.

    Also Read: Tablets at classroom: which one to select?

    Library tablet kiosks enhance student concentration: Tablet kiosks at libraries prove to be quite engaging and immersive for students owing to their digital functionalities like touch-screen, multi-app capabilities and visual attractiveness. These attributes of tablet kiosks keep students/readers at libraries focused for a usually longer time. Tablet kiosks for libraries can be installed with educational apps and websites that can motivate students to learn and grasp knowledge driving an overall enhanced educational experience.

    Tablet kiosks at libraries offer new services and better inventory control: School libraries find it difficult to manage and maintain the large reserve of books, periodicals and study materials because of the hassles of paperwork. Scanner integrated tablet kiosks can be of huge help to perform check-in and check-out of books that are borrowed and submitted by students. It helps the staff streamline record keeping and book inventory management by being on top of all information and timely details related to the total number of books available and the number of books borrowed.

    Tablet kiosks for schools and libraries have made a huge difference in the way students engage themselves with the education delivery processes. Usage of tablet kiosks has not only enhanced student engagement and overall experience but have also helped school and library IT admins to get rid of fussy paperwork, operational errors, and process delays. It has dramatically reduced payroll and overhead costs, enhanced operational efficiency accompanied with overall convenience within a highly improved learning environment.Check out Scalefusion kiosk management software that can seamlessly lock down the tablets used in schools and libraries into single or multi-app kiosk mode. Explore its multiple powerful features and capabilities.

    Sonali Datta
    Sonali Datta
    Sonali has an extensive experience in content writing, marketing, and strategy and she has worked with companies where she was involved in the 360-degree content production and editing. An avid reader and animal lover, she loves to cook, take care of her plants and travel.

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