
    Scalefusion Named as High Performer in G2 Crowd’s Summer 2019 MDM and EMM Report

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    We have reasons to raise the toast! It’s an honor to announce that once again Scalefusion has been named as ‘High Performer’ in the Mobile Device Management by G2 Crowd in their Summer 2019 Grid® Report. To our delight, this year Scalefusion has also been named as ‘High Performer’ in the Enterprise Mobility Management category in the Summer 2019 Grid® Report of G2 Crowd!

    High performer summer 2019
    High Performer Summer 2019

    Let’s look into the details.

    G2 Crowd categorizes the EMM and MDM products and ranks them on the Grid® after evaluating their customer satisfaction rate and market presence (based on market share, vendor size, and social impact). According to the G2 Crowd report in the EMM category, Scalefusion has been selected under the category of ‘High Performers’ for receiving high customer satisfaction score of 90%. The customers have rated us 4.7 out of 5 and we have also been highly rated in the sections like ‘ease of use’, ‘ease of Admin’, ‘ease of doing business with’, ‘meets requirements’, ‘quality of support’ and ‘ease of setup’. After all, 40 customers giving us a 5-star rating is definitely a matter of joy for us!

    Scalefusion is consistently adding more value to its features and capabilities, enabling customers to fully maximize their business returns using Scalefusion!

    In the MDM category as well, Scalefusion is named as High Performer and has received a G2 customer satisfaction score of 92%. Again, we have scored high ratings in the similar sections that are mentioned above (similar as in EMM category). In the EMM category, Scalefusion has ranked #2 in ‘Highest Rated’ amongst 12 other global players and in MDM category too, we are ranked #2 amongst 19 other contenders.

    When we spoke to Mr. Sriram Kakarala about the news, he said, “It surely is a great feeling to know that we are much loved by our customers and are headed in the right direction; I would like to congratulate the entire team who consistently work towards making the product better every day. Customer service has always been one of our top priorities and we intend to enhance our ways to interact with them. Having been named a High Performer definitely means that in no way we can compromise this honor that we have received, and we must keep excelling in meeting customer expectations.”

    Scalefusion conveys its deepest gratitude and felicity to its customers and stakeholders for this recognition. We strive towards developing our product with better value and will continue providing world-class customer support!

    About G2 Crowd:

    G2 Crowd empowers business buying decisions by highlighting the voice of the customer. Their review platform leverages more than 500,000 independent and authenticated user reviews read by more than 2 million buyers each month. Their model brings transparency to B2B buying—changing the way decisions are made.

    Sonali Datta
    Sonali Datta
    Sonali has an extensive experience in content writing, marketing, and strategy and she has worked with companies where she was involved in the 360-degree content production and editing. An avid reader and animal lover, she loves to cook, take care of her plants and travel.

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