
    2nd Anniversary Celebration of ProMobi Technologies

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    I am Mrunalini Pawar, Android Developer at ProMobi Technologies. It is said that great products have been built by great teams. I was always intrigued to know what it takes to build a great team and make them stick together. Now I think I know the reason. While working here I felt that great teams are built on common vision, mutual respect, trust and challenges that they have to solve.

    ProMobi Technologies was founded in 2013 with an aim to build world class product from Pune, India. On 4th December 2015, we celebrated completing 2 years of this journey.

    Work hard and play harder has always been the motto for us. The evening of 4th December was one such occasion where we played hard and work took a backseat. It was an evening to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary.

    Here are some of the images from the evening:

    Happy 2nd Birthday ProMobi Technologies!

    Cake cutting by Hari Sir

    Hari Sir and Dada

    Celebrating with some fun group activities!

    Chetan explaining rule of game
    Naushad and GobindaFun TimeParag and Saurabh

    The ProMobi Team

    ProMobi Technologies

    Many more celebrations to come…

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