
    How to Manage and Setup iPads in the Classroom

    Forget textbooks. Imagine classrooms with iPads.

    Remember that awkward pre-internet era, where learning was confined to textbooks and lectures droning on? Yeah, neither do today’s teens. For them, education is mobile, interactive, and fueled by the screens of iPads and iPhones. It’s not just a trend, it’s a revolution.

    Apple’s user-friendly apps and the rise of “iGen” – digital natives who practically breathe technology – have created a perfect storm. Kids have Instagram accounts before they have lockers, and schools are scrambling to catch up.

    Let’s explore how to manage iPads in the classroom, creating experiences that are not just engaging but border on magical. Hold up because the future of learning is right at your fingertips (literally). Effective iPad classroom management is redefining education and making it more interactive than ever.

    How to Manage iPads in the classroom
    Set up and manage iPads in the classroom

    Step-by-Step Guide on setting up iPads for School Use

    1. Decide the Actual Use of iPads 

    To understand how to go about managing iPads in the classroom, it is important to first consider how you are going to put iPads for schools to use to encourage learning. Having a clear goal on how the educators will teach using iPads and what the students will be doing with them will ease the whole purchase process. Asking the following questions can help decide the use of iPads:

    • Will each student have a personal iPad or do you plan to keep a set of devices which always dedicated in one classroom?
    • What kind of apps do you wish to push on the devices?
    • Do you want the students to receive e-mails on the devices?

    2. Register for Apple School Manager (ASM) 

    If you wish to deploy iPads in school for all your students, you will need a dedicated solution that can help with managing all the involved workload involved. Apple School Manager is a management tool that can help authorities with the following tasks:

    • Manage student accounts
    • Implementing content filtering 
    • Integrate devices with existing IT infrastructure effortlessly

    ASM is available free of cost and you can quickly register for it. IT admins at an educational institution can simply enroll into ASM online in just a few easy steps. All they need to do is fill out the corresponding fields. After that, Apple will verify the input information within 5 days.

    3. Device Enrollment Program (DEP)

    Once the first two steps are clear, it is now time to purchase the devices. There are many iPad models and memory sizes available in the market. When using it for educational purposes, authorities need not pick a model that has the maximum amount of storage space. Storage of 64GB should be sufficient. Educational institutes don’t need to shell out a lot of money to purchase an iPad Pro either.

    But when purchasing the iPads, it is highly recommended that you directly buy them from Apple or a certified reseller to enjoy special conditions, especially for educational purposes. By making direct purchases, you get to enjoy DEP devices.

    With Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP) administrators can pre-provision iOS and macOS devices so that they can automatically self-enroll into Systems Manager before touching them. DEP helps school IT admins connect directly to the ASM account, hence saving time. 

    4. Get a Suitable Mobile Device Management Solution

    Most times, ASM is not enough for managing all your iPads. For this, you will need a mobile device management (MDM) solution, like Scalefusion.

    Mobile device management solution comes with the following set of benefits:

    • Reduce hours that go into manually implementing configurations, installing apps, managing student accounts and updating software. 
    • Streamline or automates all workflows using a centralized dashboard
    • Remote troubleshooting and putting a parental lock on all devices 

    Scalefusion MDM for iPads in schools offers comprehensive controls for configuring and administering managed devices. It can lock down iPad into kiosk/single app mode or multi-app mode and ensures restrictions on the usage of the devices with iPad Kiosk App. Scalefusion offers a free 14-day trial. 

    For managing iPads in the classroom using the Scalefusion iOS MDM, you will need the following details, to begin with:

    1. Apple ID – Preferably the corporate or organization ID
    2. Signup for Scalefusion account
    3. An iOS supervised device 

    To understand the complete Scalefusion enrollment process step by step, go to this iOS enrollment process

    5. The Final Set up

    If you are using DEP devices, then rest assured because all your devices have already been enrolled in the ASM and connected to your MDM provider. When you switch on the iPads, the basic first steps will appear on the screen. Follow through until you come across the remote management option.

    After this, the iPad will quickly retrieve the information that you entered into your MDM solution. With all the configurations you implemented, the deployment process will have become automated, and now the IT team can manage all the iPads remotely with ease. When school authorities decide to hand out iPads to students, students simply need to enter their username and password. All the apps and documents will be rolled out to the device with all restrictions properly implemented.

    5 Important Benefits of Locking Down iPads For Schools

    iPads in the classrooms enable blended learning which is a part of modern education and revolutionizing the learning methodology. Scalefusion – school iPad management software for schools helps institutes implement this new concept in the best possible manner. Let’s go through some of its important benefits –

    1. Empower teachers & focused students:

    When iPads are used by the students in the classroom, it is critical to ensure that students don’t lose focus. Teachers can decide which educational applications, eBooks, or websites should be available and accessible on the device by the students. This list of accessible content is an effective tool for teachers to better engage the students and enforce restrictions on other irrelevant content to avoid distractions. IT admin and/or the teachers can access the student device screen remotely to better monitor student activities and even provide real-time support.

    2. Organize students and staff

    All the school-owned devices given to the students as well as staff can be managed, controlled and organized from a central web-based console. Apps, content, remote location tracking, virtual fencing of the devices, and enforcing security features are managed centrally by the IT admin. iPads lockdown means turning iPads into kiosk/single app or multi-app mode according to the school’s requirements.

    3. Centralized Content Repository

    In educational institutes, content is very critical. It must be uploaded on time and updated regularly, and different content must be pushed to respective students and teachers.

    4. Better collaboration among students and teachers:

    he devices can be grouped based on different grades, so the teacher can administer all the activities of the students and collaborate effectively with the help of the Eva messenger app.

    5. Safeguarding student data:

    Students’ data related to their test scores, project work, will be protected as security is the top concern for the schools and that is met only by the right MDM solution. Students use the school-owned devices inside as well as outside the classroom as well as the school. Hence, Scalefusion ensures that student’s data remain safe irrespective of whether the device is accessed from home or school, and even when an iPad is stolen or lost, with the help of Lost Mode.

    Manage iPads in Classrooms with Scalefusion

    iPads in education have opened a world of possibilities. From interactive lessons to collaborative projects, these versatile devices can transform classrooms into dynamic learning hubs. But with great power comes great responsibility. Ensuring productive use of iPads for school requires robust management solutions.

    Enter Scalefusion, the key to unlocking the iPad’s full potential in education. Imagine teachers and IT admins effortlessly managing all iPads and smartphones used in teaching and learning from a central dashboard. No more scrambling with individual devices!

    Book a demo or begin your 14-day free trial today.


    1. Do you need an Apple School Manager?

    Utilizing iPad classroom management software like Apple School Manager is essential if managing iPads for school centrally and distributing apps is crucial. It simplifies the process of using iPads in school, making it easier to deploy apps, manage devices, and ensure that all iPads are used effectively and securely.

    2. Should students use their own iPads?

    Consider the pros and cons carefully. Student familiarity with their own devices can be a significant advantage, but managing iPads and ensuring equity among students might present challenges. It’s essential to weigh these factors when deciding whether to allow personal iPads in the classroom.

    3. How do you create a safe online environment?

    Utilize an MDM solution like Scalefusion to restrict websites, filter content, and set clear iPad usage policies. This helps create a secure online environment, protecting students from inappropriate content and ensuring they use their devices responsibly.

    4. How can you manage student accounts and access?

    Use Apple School Manager or an MDM solution to create managed accounts, control app usage, and manage student iPads effectively. These tools allow you to set permissions, distribute apps, and monitor device usage, ensuring that students stay on task and use their iPads appropriately.

    5. How can you use iPads for group work?

    Collaborative apps, screen mirroring, and cloud-based documents can facilitate teamwork and active learning using iPads in a classroom setting. These tools enable students to work together on projects, share their screens for presentations, and store their work in the cloud for easy access and collaboration.

    6. How can you measure the impact of iPads on learning?

    Track student engagement, app usage, and standardized test scores to gauge the effectiveness of iPads in education. By analyzing this data, you can determine how well iPads are enhancing learning, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about integrating technology into your teaching methods.

    7. How much does it cost to set up iPads in the classroom?

    The cost varies based on the number of iPads, MDM solutions, and support needed. Consider leasing or refurbished options for cost-efficiency. Additionally, factor in expenses for accessories, such as cases and keyboards, as well as ongoing costs for software licenses and technical support.

    8. How do you manage devices in the classroom?

    Effective managing iPads in the classroom involves using MDM solutions to monitor usage, distribute apps, and enforce policies. This ensures that all devices are used properly, students stay on task, and any issues can be quickly addressed, creating a smooth and productive learning environment.

    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch
    Nema Buch is a Research & Marketing professional, also writes for Scalefusion on Enterprise Mobility trends, SaaS, and different Industry Verticals.

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