From humble beginnings in 1984 to becoming the backbone of modern productivity, macOS has shaped how we work, create, and innovate. With every update, Apple has redefined simplicity, security, and performance—ushering in a new era of innovation. But as macOS evolved, so did the challenges for IT teams and businesses managing its widespread adoption in the workplace.
Today, macOS is more than just an operating system. It’s a critical tool for businesses, loved by creative professionals and knowledge workers. MacOS’s increasing popularity increases the need for Mac device management solutions that help businesses with the security, performance, and management of these devices.
macOS MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution—empowers IT teams to effortlessly onboard, manage, and secure their macOS fleet, no matter the scale.
Explore this infographic to journey through the evolution of macOS, from its groundbreaking beginnings to its role in shaping the modern workplace. Discover the pros and cons and the role of macOS MDM in making device management smarter and more efficient.

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