Modern-day IT operations are complex and challenging. Gone are the days when IT admins managed Windows environments and everyone worked on the same premises that could be secured by a firewall easily. Identifying issues, providing quick fixes, and provisioning devices were not so complicated either. Enter the modern business trends such as enterprise mobility, BYOD management, multi-OS environments, etc., which have made IT operations complex and crucial at the same time.

There are several IT strategies and tools being tried and tested worldwide to ease the burden of managing multiple devices remotely. Scalefusion MDM allows IT admins to create dynamic groups to apply corporate policies in bulk when specific conditions are met.
What Are Dynamic Groups?
Dynamic groups are when devices or users are automatically configured to group based on specific predefined conditions. If the user or the device meets particular criteria, they get added to a group.
For example; devices belonging to a particular predefined make and model or OS type will automatically be grouped together. If the devices no longer meet the criteria, they are automatically removed from the group and re-assigned to their previous groups.
All you need to have to create dynamic groups is a Scalefusion dashboard account, an existing device groups, access to device groups, and a Modern Enterprise Plan subscription.
Following are the various properties that you can configure to automatically add devices to a specific group:
Category | Property |
Hardware | Make Model Total RAM Available RAM |
Software | Any application MDM agent version Build Version OS Type OS Version Firmware |
Device management | Enrollment Date Enrollment Method Management Mode Management state Management type |
Compliance | AntiSpyware Antivirus Device Encrypted Fire Vault Firmware password JailBroken/Rooted Password |
Network | Bluetooth mac address Connection status Connection type Ethernet mac address carrier Firewall IP Address Wifi SSID Wifi mac address |
Storage | Device storage External storage |
Telemetry | Battery level Battery temperature CPU temperature Screen temperature |
Custom Fields | Pre-defined custom fields under Devices section of the dashboard |
How Do Dynamic Groups Benefit Enterprise IT Teams?
The idea behind creating dynamic groups is to reduce IT efforts spent on provisioning devices. Here’s how creating dynamic groups benefits IT teams;
1. Greater Flexibility
Dynamic groups allow you to auto-adjust your profiles and policies based on specific conditions. Devices that meet those specific conditions are auto-assigned to a particular group. With this, you need not spend time pushing various policies on all your devices separately. Simply predefine the grouping criteria to add devices to a specific group and auto-apply policies.
2. Task Automation
Creating dynamic groups allows IT admins to automate the device and user-level grouping based on preset conditions. You need not spend excessive time grouping and ungrouping devices to apply policies. You can also schedule the frequency and time to run the automation rules.
3. Better Organization
Keeping a track of multiple types of devices belonging to diverse OS types can be a complex task. You may need to apply selective policies to particular devices based on their OS, hardware, network, etc. Dynamic groups make the process of grouping and policy application more organized. You can create grouping conditions based on device management type, hardware type, storage, or even custom field.
4. Efficient Compliance Monitoring
With dynamic groups, it gets easier to track various compliances. For example, you can configure dynamic groups based on battery percentage, storage space, CPU temperature, etc. You can also group devices based on compliance types such as antivirus, device encryption, password protection, etc.
Closing Lines
Managing device diversity is the need of the hour. Scalefusion helps you cut down hours spent on managing tens, hundreds, or thousands of devices. It’s time to take your device management to the next level with Scalefusion’s dynamic groups.
Read the help doc for more information: