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    MDM Implementation Guide for Your Transit Company

    In an era where mobile devices are integral to daily business operations, ensuring the efficient management and security of these devices is a must. Transit operations are no exception....

    What the Workplace of the Future Might Look Like: Top 5 Insights

    2021 is just around the corner and the workspace changes have already begun around the globe. While technology is the key force that is...

    Corporate Sustainability: Does Your Company Have a Strategy?

    Michael Meacher, Environment Minister of UK, once said, “Forward thinking companies that adapt positively to the sustainable business agenda will be at the forefront...

    How to Hit a Balance Between Hard Work and Smart Work: Get More Done in Less Time!

    We often come across this term ‘smart work is always better than hard work’ but the question is, how do we actually implement...

    SaaS UX Design: 5 Ways to Create a Great Product User Experience

    The world of B2B SaaS products is ever-expanding, and the market is swelling with software products for almost every functional area – marketing, HR,...

    Why Your Startup Needs a Strong Product Roadmap?

    A startup business starts with big dreams and when it’s a product-based company, the business owner’s entire world revolves around the product and its...

    Emotional Intelligence at Work: Why Companies Should Care?

    The corporate world of business is at an all-time high, and the era is witnessing newer trends in organizations like an increase in cut-throat...

    Does Your MDM Vendor Provide a World-Class Customer Support?

    The pervasiveness of mobile devices is evident in almost every modern organization around the globe. The dramatic shift in mobile usage amongst employees have...

    Corporate Cockroach: The Significance of Workplace Adaptability

    “It is neither the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable...

    Latest news

    Understanding LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, or LDAP, isn’t a new kid on the block. In fact, its history dates back...

    Who Verifies Your Identity Online? Understanding Identity Providers

    Hey You! The eternal Pink Floyd song! Decades later, a similar question beckons us online in a world outside...

    From Onboarding to Offboarding: User Lifecycle Management Explained

    It’s always exciting for organizations when their business scales well, and with that, there’s an increase in their employee...