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    Introducing Just-In-Time Admin for macOS: Extending Access Management with OneIdP

    While macOS security is a prime business concern, most (if not all) security discussions focus on software updates and endpoint security software, and user privileges are often overlooked. Administrator accounts...

    What is Windows MDM Policy: A Closer Look

    Policies form the core of everything any organization does. There are policies pertaining to almost every aspect of a business, from people to operations....

    A Guide on Onboarding Remote Employees Using MDM

    With remote work surging by 115% between 2005 and 2015, the need for effective remote onboarding has become paramount. Effectively onboarding remote employees can...

    Managing Mac Certificates: An IT Admin Guide

    Online, things can get a little paradoxical. We interact with websites and services run by people we might never meet. How can we be...

    What are the Different Types of Windows Enrollment

    Time and again, we tend to start anything regarding Windows with the fact that it is second only to Android in the global OS...

    What is Mac Management: From a UEM Viewpoint

    What excites you more? The Big Mac from McDonald’s or the Mac from Apple? While the former doesn’t last long (especially when you're famishing),...

    Prevalent Industry Use Cases of iOS Device Management

    “An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator... these are NOT three separate devices! And we are calling it the iPhone! Today, Apple is...

    5 Easy To Use Remote Control Apps for Android Devices

    Managing mobile devices remotely is one of the most challenging parts for companies, even before remote work became normal. According to recruitment and staffing...

    What is Windows Patch Management: Everything You Need To Know

    Software is a vital component in the success of any SaaS business. Without software of various kinds, it would be challenging to do anything...

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    Key MDM Features for iOS Application Management

    Effective management of iOS applications is paramount for organizations striving to enhance productivity, security, and compliance. The use of...

    Understanding Remote IT Support: Types, Challenges and Benefits

    As businesses adopt remote and hybrid work models alongside traditional on-site operations, the question of “How to manage remote...

    What is an MDM Policy? Best Practices for Effective Implementation

    A modern organization is like an intricate machinery, where every device must function seamlessly for optimal performance. Much like...