
    How NuovoTeam Channel Management Helps in Facilitating Communication With Remote Employees

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    Team communication and collaboration are critical for accelerating productivity as well as driving employee engagement. While in a conventional workplace, team communication is mostly driven by physical presence and is independent of technology more or less, such is not the case with remote teams. For frontline employees or field forces operating outside the traditional perimeters of the office, team communication has always been one of the major factors for employee disengagement as well as information overlap.

    How NuovoTeam Channel Management Helps in Facilitating Communication With Remote Employees
    NuovoTeam Channel Management for remote employees

    As more and more businesses opt for remote working, the importance of efficient team communication is highlighted. And this is where a team communication suite comes to the rescue.

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    NuovoTeam communication and instant messaging app by Scalefusion are monumental in offering a secure communication framework for enterprises to operate it. With NuovoTeam, enterprises need not worry about the security of the data exchanged over messaging or employee distractions or excess cellular costs.


    To add to its functionality and help in further amplifying efficient team communication, NuovoTeam Communication Suite has the Channel Management feature.

    NuovoTeam Channel Management

    NuovoTeam Channel management is a feature of NuovoTeam Communication Suite that enables the enterprise IT admins to manage and secure group chat in the closed enterprise environment. Using NuovoTeam Channel Management, IT admins can create group chats called a channel and invite employees to subscribe to the channel. Using a channel, team members can connect, communicate and collaborate with their peers.

    NuovoTeam Channels are primarily created to drive communication within the teams across the organization. It can be used for exchanging information, documents, files or sending organizational updates. IT admins can add or remove subscribers and at any point in time, can deactivate the channel and make it read-only. 

    Types of NuovoTeam Channels:

    1. Open Channel

    As the name implies, this an open channel and tool admins can invite any employees/device users to this channel for a subscription. The employees can choose to subscribe to the channel and can unsubscribe anytime. IT admins can create any number of open channels.

    Open channel is ideal for organization-wide communication and collaboration as a whole. In remote working, this can also be a great way to stay in touch with the employees and exchange essential information.

    2. Closed Channel

    A closed channel is essentially ideal for a team-specific conversation. IT administrators can create a closed channel and invited employees are auto-subscribed to the channel. Each team within an organization can have a closed channel and employees cannot unsubscribe to the channel. 

    3. Device-group based Channel 

    This channel is auto-created based on the device groups on Scalefusion MDM. Each device can be added to only one device group channel. Although the device group users are auto subscribed to this channel, they can unsubscribe anytime.

    4. Broadcast Channel

    Using this channel, admins can broadcast a message to the entire device inventory or a list of devices. The broadcast channel is a read-only channel and the receivers can only view the message. 

    Broadcast Channel is helpful in sharing company updates, HR updates, circulars and notices. Like other channels, IT admins can attach images, voice notes or any file in the broadcast message- from security patch files to updated company policy documents.

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    In the unprecedented times where remote working is the new normal, investing in a team communication app is critical to maintaining organizational collaboration as well as productivity. Moreso, with NuovoTeam Channels, remote teams can come together within the controlled environment of an MDM, ensuring the security of the data exchanged.

    Read More: 5 Things to Consider Before Picking the Right Team Messenger

    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane
    Renuka Shahane is an avid reader who loves writing about technology. She is an engineering graduate with 10+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for web-based startups.

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