
    Key MDM Features for Android Location Tracking

    In industries such as logistics, retail, and last-mile delivery, the proverb “forewarned is forearmed” holds true, as real-time location tracking and comprehensive device management enable businesses to address security threats and efficiency concerns preemptively.

    Location tracking of mobile devices in such fast-paced industries becomes crucial. The devices are deployed in vehicles that travel long distances, and end users are always on-field. If not mapped, the chances of managed devices being compromised could be a huge probability. 

    Location Tracking for Android
    Android Location Tracking

    With the Scalefusion MDM Android location tracking, you can configure the location permissions for a fleet of devices from a single console. This provides complete control over device location and keeps you on top of your enterprise inventory. 

    This blog will explain the features of Android location tracking, which can be leveraged with Scalefusion MDM solution. 

    Key Features of Scalefusion Android Location Tracking 

    1. Location Tracking

    Track devices’ movement, location coordinates, date, and time remotely and in real time. Some  of the key capabilities of this feature include:

    a. Location Mode 

    Configure location mode to capture the location of your device inventory. Scalefusion MDM offers two location modes: 

    • Balanced: Get an accurate location up to a 100m radius of the device. 
    • High Accuracy: Capture close to the accurate device location.

    b. Location Collection Frequency 

    Choose a frequency at which the locations will be synced with the server and reflected on the dashboard.

    c. Location Tracking Mode 

    Get four types of tracking modes –  Essential, Basic, High Accuracy, and Fleet Tracking. Configure the location tracking frequency based on which location tracking mode you choose.

    2. Geofencing

    Enforce geofence settings to track all your enterprise devices remotely. Geofencing also enables you to define policies based on device location. Get real-time alerts if any device moves in or out of the geofenced area. 

    Scalefusion provides custom geofencing, which makes it easier to mark geofences of any shape and dimension. It enables you to create two types of geofences: circular and polygonal. 

    • Circular Geofence: You can create a circular geofence with a minimum radius of 100m by either drawing (dragging and dropping the cursor) a circular geofence or selecting a point and the geofence radius from that point. 
    • Polygonal Geofence:  You can create custom geofences of any shape and size. It enables you to geofence a particular building or an entire country. You can draw geofences of any shape and size with polygonal geofences.

    3. Location-based Profile Switch

    Using Scalefusion, configure profiles that will be applied to a device upon entering and leaving a geofenced location, irrespective of the current device profile. This prevents data breaches within your organization. It enables apps and gives them access to data when the device enters a secure geofence and revokes access when the device exits the geofence. 

    4. Pitstops 

    Gain deep insights into device movements with Pitstop and Location Reports. From identifying pitstops to generating detailed reports, get comprehensive visibility and control your mobile workforce effectively. 

    With Pitstop reports, you can get granular details, including the total and average distance traveled per day, the total and average time the device was in motion, the total and average number of pitstops taken by the device in a day, and detailed device route history, all from a single dashboard. You can also schedule location distance reports to get periodic reports delivered to your mailbox. 

    5. Configure GPS

    Configuring GPS allows IT admins to control the end user’s location privileges on their device. This enables IT admins to enforce ‘GPS always ON’ on the required Android devices for real-time, 24×7 location visibility. 

    6. Speed-based App Lock 

    Certain applications can distract users while driving, posing significant safety risks. Scalefusion offers speed-based app lock. This feature allows administrators to control application access based on the device’s speed. When drivers cross a specified speed limit, some or all applications are automatically blocked on managed devices, ensuring a safer driving experience while complying with speed regulations.

    7. Reports and Logs 

    Schedule and generate detailed device activity reports on your created geofences. This enables you to have detailed device analysis and ensures compliance with company policies. 

    Empower Yourself with Robust Location Tracking for Android with Scalefusion MDM

    Scalefusion MDM’s Android location-tracking offers detailed Android device supervision and reduces the risks of device compromise enhancing security. Speak to our experts to schedule a demo. 

    Avail our 14-day free trial today!

    Tanishq Mohite
    Tanishq Mohite
    Tanishq is a Trainee Content Writer at Scalefusion. He is a core bibliophile and a literature and movie enthusiast. If not working you'll find him reading a book along with a hot coffee.

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