
    デジタル サイネージ ソリューションにコンテンツ管理システムが必要な理由


    Digital Signage: What is it about?

    The digital revolution with its outstanding outcomes is changing the way business is done. Out of various digital technologies, digital signage is one such great tool that is helping businesses take customer experience to the next level. It is widely used in restaurants and resorts, retail stores and malls, museums, sports stadiums, hospitals, corporate office buildings, and various tourist spots, as well as public places. Digital signage can be used in the form of devices like LCD, LED, smartphones, tablets, iPads, and iPhones to display content such as videos, digital images, and textual messages. It plays a significant role in the areas of display marketing and advertising, exhibitions, location maps, reservations, public information, and so on.

    デジタル サイネージ ソリューションにコンテンツ管理システムが必要な理由
    Turn your devices into public facing digital signages with Scalefusion

    Now, why does Digital Signage need a Content Management System?

    The main purpose of digital signage is to deliver the required content to its audience. Content management hence helps the right content to reach the right audience, at the right time, and in the right mode. Again, your business can be having デジタルサイネージ at multiple locations, which makes it challenging for the business to manage them remotely. To overcome these challenges, a cloud-based content management system is required. Many mobile device management software solutions provide the add-on feature of モバイルコンテンツ管理, which allows to upload, organize and distribute the content to digital signage from a common dashboard, remotely.

    Scalefusion MDM ソリューション provides a very intuitive MCM which seamlessly manage, control and secure the content on digital signages.

    So how does Scalefusion Mobile Content Management work?

    It enables you to manage content and its distribution in three simple steps from the dashboard.

    • Upload: Scalefusion MCM facilitates to upload and organize various content format in different folders on the dashboard.
    • デプロイ: From the uploaded content, admin can remotely publish the files as well as the whole folders, seamlessly, from the dashboard to the devices or the group of devices.
    • 管理する: After uploading the content files and folders, admins can remotely manage and control all of it. Managing includes adding, copying, deleting, publishing and unpublishing the files and folders from the dashboard and hence from the devices.
    • Support: Scalefusion MCM Support Multiple File format like doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, avi, mkv, 3gp, mp4, mp3, wav, 3ga, m4a, aac, ogg, amr & gif files. This makes it very convenient for the companies to develop content in best of the above formats, which can showcase their product(s) or service(s) in the best way and get it published on the digital signages.

    Scalefusion Mobile Content Management (MCM) works on a dispatcher and receiver model. The admin works as a dispatcher who pushes the content after uploading on the dashboard, and the enrolled mobile devices are the recipients that receive the pushed content.

    The other additional features required to upload and manage the content for efficient working of digital signage are:

    • Lockdown in a single app or multi-app mode – By this mode, digital signage use is restricted to only those app(s) selected by the admin.
    • リモートトラブルシューティング – Remote Cast and Control enables to access the device screen remotely and help the user to solve the issues in real-time.
    • 位置追跡 – This helps to know the precise location of the digital signage.
    • カスタムブランディング – You can have your own corporate branding on all the digital signages across different locations.
    • セキュリティ設定 – You can enforce advanced security settings like disabling the camera, USB port, the brightness of the screen and other similar restrictions.
    • アプリのアップデート – Scheduling automatic app updates can save a lot of time and efforts without hindering the digital signage functionalities.

    To sum it up, content management is necessary for the smooth functioning of a wide number of デジタル サイネージ キオスク. Scalefusion understands your pain points and your requirements very well, hence it has all the capabilities to help you overcome your challenges by helping you to remotely manage the plethora of digital signages powered by robust, transparent, simple, and effective content management system.

    Nema Buch はリサーチおよびマーケティングの専門家であり、エンタープライズ モビリティのトレンド、SaaS、およびさまざまな業界について Scalefusion にも執筆しています。


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