


    Enterprise mobility management (EMM) is the set of people, processes and technology focused on managing mobile devices, wireless networks, and other mobile computing services in a business context.


    Small and midsized businesses (SMBs), which traditionally lag far behind large enterprises in technology adoption, are pretty much on par with their larger counterparts when it comes to mobile applications, according to research from The SMB Group. The research found that Mobile solutions are quickly becoming essential to SMBs, with 55% of small and 65% of medium businesses now viewing mobile solutions as critical to their businesses.

    SMB adoption of mobile apps for employee collaboration, such as calendars, email, file sharing, and conferencing, and for business apps such as CRM for B2B has risen by about 20 percent in the past year alone. SMBs are also ramping up their use of customer-facing mobile apps and mobile-friendly Web sites to enable customers to perform a number of functions, including scheduling appointments, making payments, and accessing customer service. Recognizing the growing importance of mobile CRM solutions, businesses are increasingly integrating モバイルCRM into their strategies to enhance customer engagement and streamline sales processes.

    As mobile adoption in SMBs has risen significantly, it has also brought some challenges in play. SMBs are challenged by high data service costs, uncertainty about which solutions are the right fit for their businesses, security and management concerns, and integration.

    Company Owned Devices

    SMBs are adopting a model where they provide mobile devices to its employees. Because an SMB can often get IT products at wholesale or bulk prices, this business model can be more cost-effective for both the organization and the employee. It provides the organization with great control over the devices and more power to protect the organization’s data both technically and legally.

    Enterprise mobility via company-owned devices improve employee productivity & business processes, but it also creates security & other associated risk. Companies always fear about employees using their corporate devices for a non-business purpose. To cope with these challenges companies adopt EMM(enterprise mobility management) or MDM (モバイルデバイス管理)ツール。

    How we help manage your company devices?

    Scalefusion helps you to manage your enterprise mobile devices via the cloud. You get total control over your devices. With Scalefusion you can save cost and increase the productivity of your mobile workforce.

    Scalefusion mobile app locks down your Android device in キオスクモード, allowing you to remotely manage the device through a clean and simple interface. The キオスクのロックダウン mode replaces the regular home screen of your Android device with your customized one, allowing you to manage the device from your admin dashboard. Companies can remotely authorize the applications deemed right for their business, and block unnecessary and data consuming apps such as games and social media. You can also set a default app to launch automatically.

    Try our product with 30 day free trial.

    追伸 – 当社の製品を試すのにクレジット カードは必要ありません。



    SMB Adoption Trends and Requirements: Mobile Applications

    Swapnil Shete は、Scalefusion のマーケティング担当副社長です。彼はデザインとテクノロジーに情熱を持っており、マーケティングファネルの最適化に重点を置いています。 Swapnil は、仕事以外のときには、マーケティングと販売の領域にあるさまざまな SaaS ソリューションを評価するのが大好きです。




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